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List Of Financial Consulting Firms In Germany

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'every man in this worldthinks in his own point of view.' 'and sees in his point of view.' 'hence, every man's perceptionis different from the other.' 'but there's one thingthat binds everyone.' 'and that's love.' i don't believe in love. the one in lovegets confined in shackles. and he becomes useless.by the way, what's your opinion? love is the most precious thinggranted by god.

try to feel someonefrom your heart. you will then realize. relationship is like oxygen.- rubbish. relationship is likean animal in the cage.. ..that can never breathe in peace. that's a wrong opinion.- not opinion, it is a fact. people with such opinionshould be sent to space. ma'am, the night spent with youwas wonderful. but never take advantage of someone.

okay? don't meet me again. useless. the groom is oldand he can die anytime. then how did mayaagree to marry him? i think she agreedbecause he is rich. gaganam style. why are you upset, darling? it's like you're on a hunger strike. look up.

so that the sun feels jealousseeing your face. please. brother, come out and dance. so that you come inand get cozy with her. you will feel energizedif you dance. wink at the bride, not me. come and dance, grandpa. how dare you call me grandpa? if i become tired,how will i spend night with her? darling, i need to see at night,i mean i need to take pill at night.

you were diagnosedwith diabetes recently. you already had blood pressure. then shouldn't i enjoy? idiot. take tablets for piles. - i will,then i'll take medicines for aids. only poison is left now,have that too. you can't even standwith consuming pill. you already sufferedtwo heart attacks.. ..you'd kidney transplant. you take pill for blood pressurein the morning and viagra at night.

you consume pills more than food. your body may contain moretablets than in the medical store. you will get me killed. darling, listen to me.i promise you. i'll drink 7 1/2 pegsin just two week.. ..i'll become fit and fine. oldie, if you don't drink,how will you survive? maya, listen. where are you going? maya ran away.

brother, she is faster than pt usha. what are you doing here?- i won't marry him. strange. i told youmarriage will ruin your life. i want to marry you. don't you want me to be happy? things look wonderfulin the beginning. then he won't evencare for you, understand? get marriedand the doors of heaven will open. listen maya,the doors of heaven do open..

..not for entry,but for exit. look at my uncle. he is enjoying his bachelor's life. the wedding couple will be happyonly in the wedding hall. their life is hell when aliveand even after death. tell me, sheila. i've landed in troubledue to our carelessness last night. but how? - you forgot your cap.my husband got suspicious. oh, like true lovers, let's partfrom each other for two months.

no letters, no calls.- for two months? i will die. you have facebook until then,darling. chat seeing my photo and.. ..i will also chat seeing yours. romance will continuein inbox and outbox. you are so intelligent. this is how i'm enjoying lifewithout relationship. how did you agree for marriage?- because he is rich.

then why are you refusing?- because he is old. there are capsules for staminaavailable in the market. marry him because he is richand he will die very soon. but.. - it's easyto get divorce in america. heed my advice. marry him. after divorce,you will get 10 million dollars. he won't be able to do anything.it is you who has to do something. the bride ran awayon the wedding day. had she participated in olympics,she would've surely won medal.

be quiet. i wish grandpa gets marriedbefore he dies. earlier,when i told you to get married.. ..you said you're still young. now, you've become old. sir, shall i play the drum?- break my head. he is already upset. go. - go away. sister-in-law! where had you gone, my darling? she got scared because you're old,but i made her understand..

..that you're not dangerous. you are like her father.- who are you? i'm related to her.- what's the relation? don't think hard. you might faint. play the drums before he dies. hello. the charity show we had organizedbecame a major flop. the client is very upset. let's talk about it in the office.let me sleep now.

kishan, grandpa is very serious. all the relatives have come. but grandpa is adamant thathe wants to see you for once. please come to india. many people come to india every day. even you come to india for onceand meet your grandpa. remember, nothingis more precious than family. please come to india.we are eagerly waiting for you. please. - hey, shut up.

good morning, sir.- good morning, sharma. you reached to 99 last night. when girls come, they look tired.but when they leave, they look fresh. how do you do it, sir?- very simple, sharma. if you say i love you to a girl.. ..she will enquireabout your background. but if you ask her for fun.. ..she won't enquire about you. she will only enjoy and get going.

don't buy a cowonly for 1 liter of milk. understand? that was a wonderful example, sir. but i wish to see.. ..whether you will create aworld record or settle down in life. there is no girl who can settle me. here's the statue of liberty. splendid, isn't it? look. it's wonderful. good evening.a foundation because of which..

..children from different countriesand different cultures are together. these childrenare so unfortunate that.. ..death can arrive to them anytime. a charitable trust is working onbringing happiness.. ..into their livesand fulfilling their last wish. let's meet her. ms. sandhya, by quittingyour profession as a doctor.. ..why are you givingyour precious time to these children? it is only a human who can givehappiness to other humans.

and nobody else. that's why. gathering childrenfrom different countries.. ..bearing their expenses.will you tell us how you do it? everything is possible with love. he has come with his lawyerand he is very angry. - i know. maya told me. - good morning, sir. bandarinath, one black coffee. i've told him several times my nameis kedarnath and not bandarinath. i curse you.

so far, none of our showshave been a flop. they've all been a hit. it is your bad luckthat your show became a flop. not only was the show a flop.. ..but also the charity planof crores of rupees failed. mr. mehra, you suffered loss.. ..and we also suffered loss. but i'm smiling and you're cribbing.just chill. i'm not here to heed your advice.

pay for loss and end the contract. is this an insurance company? i think you didn'tcomplete your education. we'd clearly mentionedin the contract paper.. ..that we are not responsibleif the show flop. have it read by anyone. hello,i did read the papers thoroughly. if you have any doubt,get it checked again. maya, bring the contract paper.

clause 24. 'we will pay if the show flops.' who typed the paper? i. and it was iwho made the show a flop. - what? you both got me marriedto that old man. therefore, i did all this. you both were acting too smart. you betrayed the one whoworked hard for this company? uncle, quiet.- why should i be quiet?

she is crossing her limitbecause we are lenient with her. sack her immediately.why should i take the blame? there is only one wayto get out of this problem. marry me.- but you are already married. nephew, be quiet. i will do justice. miss,if you take divorce for six times.. ..you will get 10 million dollars. you can then marry him.if you're unsatisfied, marry me too. what an idea.

what kind of uncle are you?- excuse me. stop discussing about marriage. and arrange for my 25 crores. 25 crores? i won't give even a single penny.- i will go to court. i will prove the papers as fakein the court. if needed, i will bribe the judge. if he doesn't agree, i will filmhis wife's mms and blackmail him. i'm born and brought up in america.i'm aware of all the tricks here.

i know how to manipulate people. fighting the case.. ..the person becomes old.dates keep postponing. don't try to teach me. are you finished?do you want to say anything else? if i say yes, what will you do? i've recorded everythingwhat you said in this camera. 'i will prove the papers as fakein the court.' 'if needed, i will bribe the judge.'

'if he doesn't agree.. ..i will filmhis wife's mms and blackmail him.' 'i'm born and brought up in america.i'm aware of all the tricks here.' 'i know how to manipulate people.' 'fighting the case.. ..the person becomes old.dates keep postponing.' 'show him the way out.' according to the american law.. this video has been consideredas the testimony of the convict..

..and as an evidence. the convict cannot go toany other court. there will be nofurther investigation in this case. mr. kishan will haveto pay 25 crores.. ..to this client as compensation. yes. and if he doesn't paythe compensation in one month.. ..mr. kishancan be sentenced for 10 years. did you see the power of the pen?- laugh as much as you want..

..because your good daysare about to be gone. then hurry up.because you have very less time. you will be seen behind the barsin one month. bharat, let's sellall the useless properties. prepare the list at the soonest. ferrari car? - leave that. why? - i presented it to anishalast night. house in new york? - leave that too. why?- i presented it to a girl last week.

you should've at least asked me. do you consult me for everything? did you consult mebefore signing the contract? if he goes to jail,who will listen to my story? - uncle. nephew, else's wife.. ..illegal money and cheat popularitycannot belong to us. i got it. - good. look, after giving the presents,the properties that are left.. ..tell me about them,i will do the calculation.

after selling them,how much money will we have? even if you sell yourself,we will need more 10 crores. bandrinath, bring coffee. bandrinath, its tea not coffee. even my name is not bandrinath,it's kedarnath. - i'm your boss. i can call you with any name. i've been working here past 10 years,you don't even know my name. so what?should i build relation with you? rich people like you take advantageof poor people.

you consider laborersas your slaves. oh god. did you get ruined? sir, there's still time.reform yourself. you are crossing your limits.go away. working with you for so many yearsi've realized that.. ..nobody will help you. because you're not concernedabout anybody. try if you want to. hello. - hello. hello. hello.

hello.- hello. hello tom, can you hear me? it's me. hello. hello, peter. our dignity is getting tarnishedbecause of the court case moreover, the ratesof our property has dropped. looks like we won't be ableto get even 10 crores. we only have 15 days. we have to find another way.okay? even i will try. call from india.

hello kishan, srinivas rao here. your father's friend and lawyer. son, you didn't come to indiain spite of pleading you so much. therefore,after your father's death.. ..your grandpa has decided to giveaway all the property to your aunt. the worth of the propertyis 1000 crores. but you are the real heirof the property. so the property can't be transferredunless you don't sign. come on, father.

you're building lord ram templein the memory of mother.. ..and you're getting me married inthe same temple without my knowledge? what's wrong in it? it was decided that as soon asyou return from america.. ..we will get you married tomr. chopra's daughter, shakuntala. you can meet shakuntalaif you want to. okay? father,you want me to marry shakuntala.. ..but i don't want to marry her. i'm in love with a girl in america.

i will marry only her. it's not about what you want, ravi. it is about the promisei made to mr. chopra. i promised if i give birth to son,i'll get him married to his daughter. and if he doesn't agree,i'll throw him out of the house. when ravi was alive,you didn't allow me to stay here. it is not possible now. i'm sorry. let's go, son. get married again.

you will get a husbandand kishan will get a father. father,i still haven't forgotten ravi. oh my god. he is dead, but.. ..you haven't forgotten him yet. i regret that i got youmarried to him. never fall in love.it's very painful. do you see the consequencesfor falling in true love? there's only pain and nothing else. 'never fall in love.it's very painful.'

'there's only pain and nothing else.' when did you plan to goto india all of a sudden? you're taking a huge risk. one has to take risk in life. i told you aboutthe property in india. i will do something andcome back with 30 crores. until then, handle things. oh no. are you okay? - i'm fine, brother.

scoundrel. hello. - what's going on? i thinkyou want to go to jail much earlier. is this how you drive a car?- was it you? had i known, your carwould've been in the garage.. ..and you, in the hospital. you.. you shouldn't besentenced for 10 years.. ..but hanged to death.- let it be, brother. why are you arguing?- did you how he turned? nonsense.

hey, is it your sister? how old is she? - you scoundrel. not scoundrel,call me brother-in-law. i will trap your sisterin my love and then.. shut up, you scoundrel.i won't spare you. don't yell. who was it, brother?- it was a vagabond. you are going to india alone,i'm tense. mother, i'm not going for picnicto take everybody along.

the members of the charity foundationwill take care of me. sandhya,shall i send arvind with you? brother,why do you worry about me so much? then should i worry about katrina? arvind is a handsomeand a very good guy. in fact, he is the most capable guyamongst all the juniors. brother, i understand your feelings. but the guy must be of my choice,since it's i who has to live with him. and i will surely meet him one day.

it is difficult to find the guyof your choice in this birth. where there ishonesty in relationships.. ..bad turns good. okay. - okay, time for the flight.- take care. bye, mother. - see her off. - bye. bye, brother. - take care, sandhya. sandhya! before you leave, at least tell me.. ..what kind of guy do you want.

i will think and let you know. sir, your boarding pass. thank you, dear. - you're welcome. just a moment. how are you, baby?this is eugo. nice to meet you. how about coffee?- idiot. she is gorgeous. if the police had not come.. ..i would've wooed her. okay, mother.i will hang up the phone.

excuse me. - what happened? you will first talk to meand then give compliments. you will try to befriend meand then give me a ride home. i know vagabonds like you.- you're sitting on my mobile. bad luck. - excuse me. excuse me. use my phone to call. it's okay. thanks. i broke your phone. thanks.

hello srinivas rao, kishan here. i called to say thati'm reaching india tomorrow. thanks a lot. i'm sandhya. - i am.. just a minute. mr. kishan. - yes. how did you know my name?- your aunt is on the line. just a minute.aunt, tell me what's the matter? don't worry. i will come alone.okay?

thank you. - i'm sandhya. you already know my name. where in india are you going? i don't remember the address.i need to check the diary. i was actually born in america.i'm going to india for first time. where are you from?- even i was born here. but it is my third trip to india.this time to mumbai. you know something?when i saw you for the first time.. ..i felt like i know youfrom very before.

it is the miracle of your eyes. seeing your eyes,i feel like drowning into them. you must be getting such complimentsvery often. but it is true. - thank you. thank you so much.it was very nice meeting you. i don't befriend anyone so soon,but.. ..i wonder what magicyou cast on me. it will be a memorable meet. this is my talent.

whether or not the girl smiles,she is bound to fall into my traps. i create an impressionand make her fall for me. hang up the phone.madam is right before me. hang up the phone. greetings. - greetings.- i hope you'd a great journey? here's the phone. - your phone. what was the need..?- i broke your phone. no, i won't take it.- if you don't, i will get upset. please keep it. - alright.

where can i find taxi? sir, where do you want to go?- bandra. two minutes, sir. this is latest than my mobile. listen, there's a passengerfor your route. don't blabber,reach the hotel soon. drunkard. sir, the driver is reachingthe hotel in half an hour. until then you can cometo the hotel and take rest.

yes, please come.- alright. give this to me. these are the parents ofthose children. - greetings. where are the children? catch it. it is running.catch it. catch it.from here. catch it.. from there.yeah! we caught it! yeah! we caught it. sorry children, i've beenordered to cook chicken pilaf.

mom, save it.- save it. please, mom. who are these children? i told you that i fulfill the wishesof ailing kids, it is them. what? they? these poor children don't knowabout their death. i'm taking them to america onbehalf of charitable foundation. so that they can roamin the place they like. we always try that..

..we fulfill their last wish.- you are so beautiful. enjoy your life. don't waste it by takingothers' problems on your shoulders. what can be better than fulfillingsomebody's last wish? i feel very happy doing such work. i don't understand all this. the traffic is more.is the driver trustworthy? 100% sir.- good morning, sir. will you drink?- he is drunk.

sir, he will forget the wayif he is sober.. ..and if he drinks,he'll take you to the right place. you are right.- sir, you don't worry. go. are you sure? - i am tell...- 100%. nothing will happen if idon't fall asleep during driving. have you come here from abroad?- yes. you are very fair.- thank you. look straight. sir, do you have a cigarette?- i don't smoke.

smoking causes cancer. no problem.do you have liquor? - what? foreign liquor hasa different taste. if you drink and drive, you'll havefun, but we'll bear the punishment. no, i do safe driving. nothing happened to me though imet with accident so many times. get your liver checked.- what? why don't you quit drinking? i quit, but it caught me.

you are here from abroad,you should've bought a watch.. ..liquor, or at leasta perfume bottle for your driver. is it necessary to bring liquor? i drank liquor beforedrinking mother's milk. do this, take a u-turn from here. you take a u-turn.why do you tell me? i'm a straight forward man,so i will drive straight. you think you are smartif you are a nri? do this, park in the side.

'i will have to fool everyoneafter reaching there.' 'forget 25 crores,i won't even get 25 paisa.' 'i will have to say some mantra..' 'wow, i got the mantra.' why did you come so late? i had been to the temple topray for grandpa's well-being. learn from him. you haven't donateda single penny for my father's sake. learn from him.he's too young to you. sir.. - yes?

what is it? oh, take this. you'll progress.- he gave me coconut? reports are normal, butdon't stop the medications. father. i'm very happy. instead of taking rest,what are you doing? what rest, son? your grandpa got your eldersister married to him..

..so that he can handlethe factory. but forget factory,he can't even handle accounts. i was very weak in accountancysince my childhood. you can make me sweep.i do that nicely. - yes. he's a common man so he'll sweep.he doesn't value things. fool. - you are no less. she's telling you.- shut up. we told our younger son-in-law.. ..to take care of thecleanliness at the office.

he started sweeping in the office. he sacked the old staffand hired new staff. mother-in-law,i'm a union leader. shut up! if you had to become union leader.. ..then join in the municipality. both my son-in-law's are useless. i'm insulted everydaybecause of him. because of you, i don't hit him.i endure his stench too.

he doesn't even bathe. you come and make mehave bath. you've become live-in son-in-lawof this house to eat for free . i'm a union leader.talk respectfully with me. wear your shirt andtalk respectfully. he's a fool. he said apples from kashmirand sold expensive here. so, let's grow them here. he tried to grow applesnear the sea.

everything got withered.we got nothing. we didn't get anything from it. he will save me?- whatever i am today.. ..is because of myfather-in-law's money. but you are not worth. everyone calls you a fool. one day a man said,"give rs. 5000, you'll get 5 lakhs".. ..you became greedyand gave him rs. 5000. when you open the receipt,it was written..

.."a fool gets nothing". idiot. you eat currywith italian pizza. stop fighting. my nephew is here.he'll take care of the factory. you both take lunch for him. he's new to this.he'll ruin the company. i'll see what to do. good morning, grandpa.- live long. have a seat. take some more.

was it too spicy?- i'm missing my brother-in-law. he wanted to see kishan married,but he expired. son, i'm ready to becomeyour father-in-law. 'oh shame.she's so young.. ..will he do a child marriage?child marriage.' son, don't feel shy.just give your consent. he's not like you.will you give him time to think? ask him if he's married or not. i remembered..i forgot to tell you.

i'm married.- he's already married. why didn't you get your wife? i thought i would get herafter i learn the ways here. hey bharat, i'm set here.- very good. all the properties and estatesare in my aunt's name. grandma has written 200 croresto a charitable trust after dad. i don't trust at all. i will take all the moneyand come to america. okay, don't worry.bye.

glory to! - baldev chopra! son, go and sit on that chair. but how can i sit there? i always wanted to see yourdad sitting on that chair. but that wish didn't get fulfilled. you will fulfill my wish, won't you? son, forgive me. why do you say so? i did injustice to your dad.

i thought, everyone listensto him, then why doesn't he. but i was wrong. he left me and went away. i thought he would return. he thought, i wouldcall him back. neither did he comenor i called him back. when your grandma was unwell.. ..we thought who wouldburn her pyre. son, can i say something?

your grandpa made you an orphan. forgive me. grandpa, don't say so.please, don't. greetings. i'm srinivas rao.your father's friend. we both were college mates. uncle, all thedocuments are ready. the registration will be donewhen you tell me. you need not askall this to me now.

why don't you stay here? i've my own business in america. grandpa, it won't be possible forme to concentrate in two places. i want to open a big charitablehospital in father's name. that would cost 50 crores. i've arranged 25 crores, i'll arrangefor the rest from somewhere. so, it is important for meto stay there. why do you struggleso much to build hospital? we've opened this trust to dosomething on his name, right?

but, grandpa! if he's your father,he's my son! money will be transferredto your account by tomorrow. build a hospital and shut downyour company work and come to india. as you say. first transfer the money,think about the will later. don't delay. rs. 25 crores transferwould take 4-5 days. son, 4-5 days. - grandpa, there won'tbe any problem if it's done on 25th..

i mean, if it takes 4-5 days. what's this?lying upside down.. ..won't bring back your brain toyour head that is in your knee. this is yoga. have food.- if i eat now, i won't know.. ..whether the food went up or down.- don't know when you'll reform. chintu! - i'm here. have food. why is she kneadingthe food like that?

i've been looking for you.eat! do you know your fatherloved to eat when i fed him? come. i'll feed you too.- me? your father too did just like this. nephew! you had fun with girlsand i had to pay the bill. i will kill you now. the people you have fooled,have hit me. wrong, you are burdenon this earth..

..you are not a human,but a donkey. change the direction of the wind.. ..i feel like breakingall your teeth. you betrayed me. american police would'vearrested me instead of you.. ..if i wouldn't have fled fromthere disguised as woman. people had wrong intentionsseeing my beauty.. ..and a battalion of menwere following me. a camel of the dessertis a horse and you are lying.

you are a ghost disguised as human.- go to hell. come here.- no, you come here. you are a fool.- then, don't irritate me. if i'm a fool,then even you are one. come on. what is it? they've 1000 crore property.- they don't appear like that. we shouldn't let gooff this property. done? - okay. are you shocked?

we both were joking. only we both are in home,so we pass time with nonsense. we're orphans, right? jovial people. uncle, my elder aunt.- greetings. she looks like a college student.- and he.. - is he examiner? and this is the result. he's hardware, she's software.- greetings. he is printout.

marry in a placewhere your father-in-law is wealthy. no matter how the girl is,but the sister-in-law should be.. is she having fits seeing me? you? - i'm ragini,and i'm a spinster. ragini, aren't you making any mms? how can i?i didn't find anyone. what?- yes. but why? - seeing my style,people fear to come close to me. shameless, mannerless,senseless, brainless..

i will thrash them,if i find them. you have a good figure. your face is like butter,but the sauce is missing. my bad luck, but the rest is fine. no, don't blame the fate. the one who couldn'tget you is unfortunate. whoever you marry will bethe luckiest guy. he will get mother's lovewith wife's love. "i have a dream in my eyes.my beloved is in my dreams."

"i lost my heart on my beloved." "why i lost my heart on my beloved?" excuse me, that guy must besomeone else and not me. he must be fortunate,but i'm very unfortunate. no, please don't say so. why? - the guy who talkslike a child in his old age.. his style is like dev anand.do you know how? my darling. "my heart is restless."

she'll torture me andmake me a father after marriage. what's going on here? your wife is very beautiful.- that's why i married her. where did you see her? where did you get thispicture from? i connected your camera tocomputer and showed them the photo. she is my wife. we know that.where did you take this photo? in airport when she cameto see me off. isn't she beautiful?

if she came to send you off,why is she in the flight then? this photo is different. it was taken on another day. if it was different, how comeboth are in the same dress? try to answer it.- i can't. i too can't. the girl is very beautiful,who is she? she's my friend's daughter.should we get her married to kishan? we both have swornnot to get married.

is it? - we don't lie. what's this, uncle?you too are joking with them. sandhya my wife and we're marriedfor 3 years? you got us married. marriage.. marriage! a husband's bachelor's degree issnatched from him after marriage. you are talking nonsense. shut up. i told you that a celibate'slife is better than a married man's. that's the reason you got medivorced from maya. i couldn't become a fatherbecause of you.

didn't sachin marry anjali? didn't abhishek marry aishwarya? so, even i got married. uncle, don't ruin the plan. oh, we both keep jokingwith each other. but i haven't yet got an answer.- what is it? son, there's a dress codefor every flight in america. then, all of them would bein the same dress, right? do you know how interestingour love story is!

when i was alone in america..- how can you be alone? sister-in-law was with you, right?- shut up, stop digging history. it is very difficult to get immediatereservation and lying. you continue. "let me tell youa story of love." "there was a crazy guy and girl." "we both were smiling." "we both couldn't understandwhatever was happening." baldev, come out! are you the one from america?

you don't look like a foreigner. your grandpa and iare childhood friends. i never wore underpants. he got lucky and became wealthy. didn't do well in politics andremained president of this village. understood? come. your problems end with today! i'm always tensed thinking.. ..if you die, what about them.

who'll handle such big business? both of your son-in-lawsare useless. even a scrap dealer won'ttake them. but to solve my friend's problem.. ..god showed me a way. that is my capable son. my son rifle loves yourbeautiful granddaughter. he is adamant on marrying her. why do you shy now?

tell her i love youand give her a flying kiss. will you give her a flying kissor shall i give her? baldev, we're fighting each otherfor the past 25 years,.. ..30 cases i've filed against youto stop you, but you didn't stop. now, are you thinking why i am herewith a marriage proposal of my son? stop thinking andgive your consent. or die. i don't agree to this alliance. now you may leave.

listen to me, baldev..- enough! kishan, take them out respectfully. come on! listen, this is not america tomarry after the child is born. this is india, women get pregnantonly after marriage. one more thing,in surrounding areas.. ..people are killed and thrownin the fields in broad daylight. killing someone in an accidentfor mere rs. 2000 is common here. this is wrong, isn't it?

i think you've got it. explain it clearly toyour grandpa too. look, you don't follow me, okay? you are talking about following you,i want to walk with you. don't refuse. fall in lovewith me, even if it is fake. she's after my life. look, my past is not good. i have affair with many girls.many girls! i think god sent me downto play with girls. get it?

i'm a very characterless guy. wow, then we need notmatch our horoscopes. even i'm characterlesslike you are. assume it as yes.i knew that i would get.. ..an experienced candidate,though late. become my husbandand start the production. are you in your senses? yes, i am. if you grease me properly,i'll give good mileage.

if you don't believe me,you can test drive me. i've accepted you as mine,by keeping wind as witness. i think, i have to drive. hello?- brother, sister-in-law is here. sister-in-law? who sister-in-law?- sandhya is here. sandhya? - she's very beautiful,you come soon. he would be hereany moment, he's here! why are they calling meas your wife? beautiful people arecalled as 'wife' in india.

they call me as wife.- who are you? if he's your husband andhis mom is my sister.. ..then we are waiting foryour mother-in-law. what is he saying? if he's my uncle, i'm his nephew. if you are my wife,i am your husband. what are you and they saying,i don't understand anything. i thought only they both played,she too has joined them. what is going on?

sandhya, let's go from hereor they'll tease us more. so, our photo in airporthas created this confusion. above all was your entry. your tablet was in my bag. i thought, i would meet youand surprise you. but i got surprised. sorry to bother you. i shall leave.- how can you leave? simple, if i don't get rickshaw,i'll take a bus.

i mean, my family membersconsider you as my wife. so what? say something else.i can't do this. i'm sorry, but my grandpais a heart patient. if you are so worried.. ..about your family andyour grandpa.. ..then why don't you marrysome other girl? oh, i'm so sorry. i didn't know that there wassome other girl in your life.

i was trying to tell you the same. i've already fallen in love.- is it? what's her name? her name is maya! maya and i were deeply in love. but she got angry as i didn'tlike her photo on facebook. since she's angry,i'm spending less money.. ..but the flat of my hearthas become vacant. i wanted to tell her thati can't live without her.. ..but grandpa called and saidthat he can't live without me.

so, i came to india. i may be born and brought upin america, but i'm an indian. what? i mean, fulfilling relationships,this is our culture. i'm sorry, kishan.i didn't understand your problem. but i can't help you. i must go back to americaand find sponsors for the kids. you know that those childrenwill not live for long. if that's your problem,i'll sponsor them.

i'll bear the expensesfor their trip. and food too.- but.. not because you'd help me,but i'd decided the day i saw them. thank you so much, kishan. if you agree to act likemy wife for three days,.. ..all problems would get solved. look sandhya, don't refusemy request. please.- okay, i'm ready. what the hell?

no! you've a long life, brother,i was thinking of you just now. you were asking aboutmy choice, right? i'll tell you. his family must be goodand he should love his family. once he commits to a relationship,he must keep it for lifetime. okay. if i get angry,he should pacify me. what do you mean? i mean, he shouldn'tlook at another girl.

he should only see his wife. sandhya, hope you are not daydreamingor watching any movie. no, why? you may get dinosaur in this era,the lokpal bill too will get passed. but you won't find such a guy. come out of your dreamlandto reality, sandhya. okay, bye. brother, you've built the temple,.. ..but none of your family membershave conducted the marriage.

at least this year,get your grandson married. you always keep blabbering.stay quiet for some time. baldev, you've built the templefor marriage, very before.. i too said the same thing. you did lot of spelling mistakes. okay, i agree,what you said was the same. son, after your dad's death.. ..your grandma doesn'tcome out of the house often. at least this occasioncan bring some cheer in her.

what are you saying?come to the point. at least this occasion canbring some cheer in her. he too said the same thing. i agree, but i toldwith expressions. we'll have to clean his earsby using a drill machine. you are absolutely right.i could hear it clearly. son, what he saidand what he heard.. ..whatever i said just now.. ..think over it.

okay, give me some time to think. give me a month's time. uncle, would money gettransferred by tomorrow? yes, but there's a small problem.- problem again? already we're inneck deep trouble. bank people are askingreason to transfer big money. so, we thought of makingyou a member of this trust. why wait? do it. grandpa wants your wifealso to become a member.

do it, anyway she'shis real wife, right? okay, if you give yourmarriage certificate,.. ..money will bein your account by morning. why do they needa marriage certificate? you'll get the certificateonce they get married. i'll do this, i'll take you both totemple tomorrow morning. you get married to her. i will click a snap and produce yourphoto instead of the certificate. marriage again? - i will seeyour marriage by this pretext.

don't refuse. - but grandpa,marrying again for a photo.. oh, you feel.. ..she would not marry you againto take a photo? - right. i'll talk to her.- no, i'll talk to her. all the best. goddess, sandhya is so innocent. how can i trouble herfor my selfishness? oh, you are here? pack your bagsand leave immediately.

what happened? people are not believing.in the pretext of eating a feast.. ..they want us to marry for real. marriage?- that's why i'm telling you.. ..pack your bags, go!hurry up. lord, i don't have hope.. ..but save my grandpafrom a heart attack. is it that serious? yes, but he's very happyseeing us together.

if he gets a shock,anything can happen. you don't think about this. either grandpa will die.. ..or our family will bedefamed in this society. let anything happen. you think about your future..- sandhya.. i'm insisting to marry! ever since my sonleft this home,.. ..never celebratedany function in this house.

take it as this old man'slast wish! at least i can seemy grandson's wedding. as you wish. what have you done?why did you agree? other than fulfillinglast wishes of children,.. ..i can't do anythingelse for them,.. ..but if i fulfill his wish,he may live rest of his life happily. that's why i agreed. what happened?- i think i forgot my phone.

can i use your phone?- sure. thank you. come! hello?- why did you call me? hey, what are you saying?when did i call you? scoundrel, if you didn't call,did the phone ring automatically? i've bad news for you,.. ..my problem willget solved in 2 days. oh, is it?are you printing fake notes?

i didn't. but after this work is done.. ..your sleep and your sisterwill be snatched from you forever. you can't harm me. god, give me all the sorrow. get me married to him. give me sack full of money. make me his wife. make me old.

make me this old man's stick. i agree, i'm younger than you.. ..but it doesn'tmake any difference. i'll give you everything you want. no matter how manygirlfriends you had in your life.. ..i will love you more than them.believe me. you are looking gorgeous. this is our ancestral necklace. wear this.- no, why all this?

dear, it's our tradition.. ..to give this necklace to theeldest daughter-in-law of this house. i wanted to give it tokishan's mother, but i couldn't. i'll be happy at leastif you wear it. wear it. though i'm happy that youboth would return after 6 months,.. ..but i'm sad for missing youfor 6 months. the money will be transferredwithin four days. there's no problem.you don't worry. i didn't agree to thismarriage for your sake only.

i wanted all of themto be happy. but i'm scared of the lovethey're showering on me. when they learn the truththat we are not married.. ..have you ever thoughthow would they feel? babita! somebody stop!- mom! brother! somebody save me! brother!- i'll go on honeymoon with you! somebody save her! - brother!- only then you'll marry me. i'll crush your arrogance.

mom! leave her! leave me! brother! i have a leave the dayafter tomorrow.. - doctor. she's out of danger now. it is good that youbrought her here on time. doctor, what happened to her?- appendicitis. doctor, she was talking to everyonehappily in the temple a while back.

then how did she suffer fromappendicitis, suddenly? no, she was suffering fromstomach ache since yesterday. she endured pain not todisturb a function in home. poor lady, how couldshe bear so much pain. don't worry, everything will bealright after the operation. she can get discharged in 24 hours. don't take tension.- that's okay. but why did she bearso much pain for so long? for our sake!

kishan, she loves you very much.just like her own child. she feels happy seeing you happy. she wants to spendevery moment with you. where there is love,there's no pain. you get such a good familyonly if you're really very lucky. don't ever hurt them. sorry son! i tried..i couldn't bear the pain. i'm thinking of marrying ragini. is it?

the court has sent a notice for thecase that gola has filed against us. what notice? until when will we fight this case? you don't worry, uncle.we'll surely win the cases. when? after i die! it took 10 years forjudgment in lower court. then we'll appealin the high court. then, we'll go to thesupreme court. i want this issueto be solved before i die.

call him, ask him what hewants and settle the issue. if we pay him, everyone wouldtake that route to threaten us. what's the solutionfor this problem? put a card. there'll be fun only wheni get the king this time. take a card. sir, king is here! it is good if the king is here,why do you.. you scoundrel!you'll die today.

kill him! stop! one minute! son, stop.don't kill him! i beg of you, son.- get lost! only cowardskill people in accidents. a lion hunts in an open ground. got it?- got it, son. we'll withdraw the case and leavethis place by tomorrow morning. become grandpa's strengthnot burden.

if you're both are correct,this situation would never arise. babita is in love with kiranwho is grandpa's secretary. kiran is well educatedand is from a good family. i've inquired everything. it will be better if you talkto his parents and get them married. okay, son. i'm sad because there'sno one to take responsibility. come back soon, son. we don't have anyone elseother than you.

kishan. - yes? i'm ready. my grandson is going to america,he'll come back soon. bless him for his safe journey. your grandma is backto normal because of you. next month is 'ram navami'(lord ram's birthday). try coming before that.grandma will feel good. sandhya is not my wife.. ..and i'm not married to her!

i'm not a good manas you all think. i lived believing relationshipis pain and money is everything. in fact i came herefor money only. i have lied many timesin my life. but if i lie in front of anoble man like you.. ..then there'll be guiltin my heart forever. if i didn't tell the truth,i would've never forgiven myself. i used to run away from relationshipsbecause of their problems. but today i realizewhat i've missed.

i made a mistake. when you achieve something,people to pat your back,.. ..when you face difficulties,you family will stand by you,.. ..that is life! i understood this aftercoming here. if you can,please forgive me. can i drop you home?- it's okay. our ways are different.we shall meet again. bye, kishan.

i forgot. so sorry. many have quit the job, the restare searching for new jobs. kedarnath. i'm sorry, kedarnath. it was my mistake not to rememberthe name of worker working for years. i remember all the workersworking here. you are very hard working. you may be an office boy here,but one day you'll surely progress.

thank you, sir. thank you very much, sir. you say you got money, but youdon't want to use it. you want me to sell property,but not to sell the farmhouse. you've changed.what has happened to you? we don't know the valueof a thing unless we lose it. now i know grandpa's value. i understood the value of nuptialchain when sandhya returned it to me. earlier i took that farmhouseto be as a property.

but now i feel it ismy parents' blessings. their memories areattached to that house. so, i won't sell it. no problem,we still have ten days time. when are you introducingyour sandhya to me? first i must tell truthabout me and convince her. i will tell her that, everything isincomplete without her. i will propose her. excuse me.

i don't know how toconvey it to her. - hey you! you were talking too much on phone. look, i'm sorry forwhatever happened. do you think i'm a fool?you would've got scared seeing me. if you want to nameforgiveness as fear.. ..then it is your mistake. reduce that arrogance. or remember, you'll forgetyour arrogance in jail. tell your lawyer to beprepared to go to jail.

practice for arigorous punishment. you bloody, i will not..- hey.. dogs will bark on streets! we are human beings.let's go. hey! you're totally changed. i used to stop you from fighting,now you stopped me. hello. - what's going on? it's been15 hours you parted from your wife. didn't you try to find outwhether or not..

..she reached home safely? hey. i'm very sorry. i thought you'd be busy. are you free tomorrow? yes. why? shall we meet for lunch? of course, why not.anything special? should we meetonly on special occasions? kishan, she will surelypropose to you tomorrow.

no. nothing as such. when men like youcan fall in love then why can't she? hey, she's here. bye. sandhya, actually.. - excuse me. are you sandhya? were you the one who often calledand forced me to meet you? you can make decisions in anger. maya, you don't know.he loves you very much. he loves you so much.

he thinks about you all the time. he is very rich,but he is crazy about you. you're lucky to getsuch a loving man. seriously, i feel jealous of you. are you talking about this vagabond? did you sleep with her too? girls are like toy for him.and love is entertainment for him. and relationshipis only till the bed. he himself doesn't know..

..how many girls he has slept with. he recruits girlsonly to fulfill his personal needs. when he is in mood, he will evencall you in the middle of the night. and after his job is over,he even won't answer your call. girlfriends are like footwearfor him. once it turns old,he throws it away. his only aim is to play aroundwith new girls. be like a free bird. no relationship, no tension.

i feel like killing him. your betterment liesin staying away from him. like you used me, don't use her. sandhya, listen to me. when a girl marries someone.. ..she surrenders herselfto her husband. and she considers him as god. i thought you can alsosacrifice your life for love. i hate you.

kishan. hello. kishan. grandpa, you? - hi, kishan. all of a sudden? - sandhya! where are you?sandhya, where are you? hello. yes, i have reached. he is standing right before me.talk to him. talk to her. how are you, dear?how is sandhya doing?

i didn't say anything to anybody. you wanted to bring us close toyour heart, hence you told the truth. had you lied, you wouldn't havecome close to our heart. grandpa, you are great. when you said forgive me, grandpa.. ..i realized how much you love us. the change is because of sandhya. it was she who made merealize the value of relationships. if she is upset with me,how will i love?

i used to considerrelationships as burden. but today,i respect the very relationships. if she is with me,i can attain everything. how will i convince her. make her feel your love. if you've any problemwith someone you love.. ..hiding or running awayfrom that person.. ..your problemwill never get solved. i lost your fatherfor the same reason.

i was very hurt after separation,but never tried to get closer to him. therefore, i asked your motherto come back to india. but she refused. had i tried constantly.. ..probably your father or motherwould've come back. if you call someone.. ..from the bottom of your heartkeeping your arrogance aside.. ..that person will surelycome back to you. don't commit the mistake i committed.

she hates your past. show her your present life. she'll surely fall in love with youseeing the change in you. i came so far just to tell you.. ..no couple has ever split aftermarrying in our lord ram temple. lord ram's birthdayis still 15 days away. you must come with sandhya. 'son, one becomes strongby being in the relationship.' 'by forgetting,even strong relationship breaks.'

'if you call someone.. ..that person will surelycome back to you.' i'm trying to get that sponsor. hi. - hi. hi, sandhya.where were you for two days? you never answered my calls too. kids from india are waiting for you. sir, i was looking for sponsor,therefore.. don't worry. i found a sponsor.

and he has also promisedto fulfill the responsibility. and he also deposited money. but he has a condition.he'll go along with you to the trip. you won't refuse,therefore we agreed. yes. send him in. thank you very much, sir.please sit. those kids last wishesare quite expensive.. ..but we're luckyto get a sponsor like you. it's okay.

you came at the last momentand solved our problem. meet her, she is sandhya. really? - hello, sandhya. hi, uncle. - hey. shall we go, sandhya? doctor uncle hasn't come yet. doctor? who? hello. i'm sms rai. heart doctor. uncle, my grandpatried to find a girl for you..

..then father and now,i'm trying to find one for you. you won't die as a bachelor. i won't die as a bachelor. i want a beautiful girl. - i got it. i gave you the namesof popular heroines of bollywood. did you call them? i did call them.but they said you're short. what? i'm short? after marriage, i will grow tall.

no uncle.- forget bollywood, try in hollywood. forget hollywood. give a helpless girl a life.heed my advice. but where will i find a hot, sexyand helpless girl? he has become so old.. ..but is looking for a young girl. it's a last warning.. ..if you don't finda girl for me in 24 hours.. ..i will make thingsso miserable for you..

..that you won't be able to finda guy for yourself too. - what? nobody wants an experience holder.darn it. sandhya? - yes. - come. i've seen him somewhere. hello. - will 60 years oldbeauty do for you? what? no, i don't want to marryan old woman. i will happily manage thoughif it is two 30 years old women. no, sir.only this is available in the stock. and how will you get a young girlat this old age?

look, i want a young girl. she has to be young and healthy. he is old, but strong like cheetah.- for this cheetah.. ..find a fast girl like a deer. the girl is alreadymarried four times. then i will be the fifth one. i'm ready to pay 1 lakh extra. let me give you a suggestion. don't desire for a young girlat this old age.

marry an old woman. i understood what you said. hey you, turn off the speaker.find a young girl. i want first copy, not xerox. shall i lock it? - yes. are you married? - no. think before you marry.women are terrible. - oh. don't mistake me,i didn't mean you. look,i meant it to this wretched woman.

would anyone believeseeing her innocent face? after marriage,she made me wash clothes, vessels.. ..and used me like an atm. she divorced me and took 5 crores. she doomed me. she is real player.someone is training her, sir. and he troubling me. i curse him. why didn't you do something? i had never seen him.

otherwise, i would've killed him. that's right. be seated.i will freshen up and come. sit properly. thanks, dear. what? love problem? love problem.- it seems love problem. love problem? what?- what happened?

i kissed on her cheekand her makeup got ruined. hence, she is angry. - i see. he kissed madam's cheekwhile she was asleep. he kissed madam's cheek. did he kiss your cheek? don't you feel ashamedto talk such things before the kids. sister, it is a mere matter. you be quiet.you don't know anything. i know everything.i too failed twice in love.

be quiet. where did you go away?- what happened? don't leave me and go. - why? because you're very good and sweet.- really? when i saw you for the first time.. ..i wanted to tell you something. but i couldn't say anything. "wonderful! wonderful." hi, handsome. hi.

which country are you from? is this your business trip?- no, holiday. are you travelling alone or..? - no. good night. pass it on.- good night. good night. - good.. water. hey, handsome. - how are you? yes, i'm fine. - all well? no problem. - no problem at all.

i'm not feeling well. bathroom. excuse me. nikki,you wished to go in zero gravity.. ..like an astronautin your life, right? here we are. - thank you, uncle. why were you coming at me? opposite poles attract, right? stop that. you can't trap me.

what are you saying? stop pretending to be innocent. i know why you sponsored this trip. i used to be a bad man. but now, i'm reformed. i came to this tripjust to express my love to you. it's a lie. you said you love me. you will betray even meafter your job is over. like you've alreadybetrayed grandpa.

i won't fall into your traps. god himselfhas to come to unite them. adulteration is my profession. that's why people call me mixer. hello. - evergreen here. you're free.stop finding a girl for me. then shall i find a guy?- stop kidding. i found a girl. either you're luckyor she is unlucky.

don't talk rubbish.hang up the phone. welcome.are you shocked seeing me? why did you bring your driveralong on honeymoon? how did you like my surprise? you promised to make me grandpain six months.. ..isn't sandhya cooperating? is it true? - yes. "my love is gone." hello.- world is indeed very small.

sandhya is a volunteerin the foundation.. ..i've been working for 10 years. she is here with her husband on job.- is it? one minute. talk to sandhya. are you fine, dear? - i'm fine. you forgot us completelyafter going there. if you don't call hereafter,i will slap you. well.. okay aunt, bye.

until when will you cheat them. why are you sitting next to me?your husband is there. go there and sit. - that's not so. then what is it? i used to be very decent.i wasn't with any girls. but you made me sit beside you. you instigated mewith your sweet talks. you entered in my innocent heart,but disappointed me. i now learnt thatyou brought your husband along.

what if he had thrashed me? mr. sms, shall i tell you a secret?- go on. do you know the reasonwhy maya ditched you? it is because of kishan. and i'm not married. it is a big drama.- i understood everything. you like me. i will now teach a lesson.. ..to your fake husband.

why did you bring usto your house? would i take relatives to hotel? today is holi.let's celebrate first. don't mind, it is holi. statue! you're not my boss nor i'm your slaveto obey you. whether you celebrate holior play marbles.. ..but we will stay in hotel. ever since his wife has left him..

..he has gone mad. since there's small misunderstandingbetween sandhya and i.. ..the old man is taking advantage. mangal! - yes. drop him in hotel. - okay. mr. mixer grinder. i won't go alone to hotel,even sandhya will come along. are you out of your mind? why do you want to separatehusband and wife?

even if a dog bites you,it is the dog that will die. you're old now. go and findan architect to design your grave. mixer, mind your tongue. i'm a doctor. - you are a doctor? you look like a patient. doctors like you seek treatmentfrom herbal doctor. the patients you treated,are they even alive? you look like a ward boy.you old man. reform yourself. otherwise,you will go to hospital not hotel.

sandhya, please come. how would i know aboutthe members of your foundation? it is not my planning. when he said about hotel,.. ..why didn't you refuse?why were you standing quietly? when that fellow was scolding me,he was enjoying it. i was quiet because of your love. otherwise,i would've killed him on the spot. i know, mr. sms. - thank you.

doctor,you're enjoying here, aren't you? you are here?i'm trying to woo someone. you want to chuck me out? i found a girlwith great difficulty.. ..and you expectthat i don't get married? don't ruin my desire. i've danced in else's weddings. until i'm young, give me a chanceto have fun in my wedding. go now. - alright.

sandhya, it is futile to talk to him. let's get in touch with the eldestand tell him to drop us to the hotel. even i don't want to stay here.i will come with you. doctor. - what? i want to tell you something.- tell me. i never met or talked with mayaafter you married her. you mean you didn't ruinmy marriage? what kind of example is this?- she's my wife. she's mine. i will give any kindof example i want.

i'll find the house owner andtell him everything about you. doctor, are you abnormal? - no. why do you want to ruin me?- when i lose my temper.. ..even i can't stop myself. - don'ttalk like this before my grandpa. is he the owner of the house?- yes, he is asleep inside. don't complain against me to him. so grandpa is in that room. - no. look. grandpa.. - let go! let go!

grandpa! don't tell him anything. you're finished! he doesn't have the mannersto knock the door.. ..before enteringinto someone's room. he is an animal,how would he know manners? i think we will have toteach him manners. bite him in such a placethat he will never be able to sit. i think he belongs to our community.

but he looks like a bull. choose a placewhere he cannot inject all his life. human, i will kill you. let's not delay.hail to german sheppard. hail to wild dogs. hail to dog community. promised to help mebut joined the holi festival. i didn't celebrate holi.i had been to that room. humans play with humans,but i played with dogs.

how can they play? even a dogis like a tiger in its area. anyone becomes weak before it.and today is the day. one man and many dogs. i can't even show the placeswhere they bit me. i won't spare kishan. it is futile, mr. sms. he hurt my ego. egoist is dangerous than terrorist.

what will you do? - dogs bit me. now, there's dogs' bloodflowing in my veins. i will bark at him, i will bite him. you just provoke me with love.okay? listen.. i won't listen to anyone now. say you've head ache andtell him to sleep with children. as soon as he enters the room,he won't find children but me there. rabies dog.

when are we leaving tomorrow?- 7:45. my hip is aching badly. so you sleep with the kids today. me? - yes. alright. - yes. he will die today. you will dieand i will get married. did you get the signal?- what signal? you fool, put the kids to sleep..

..and treat her hip. you're mistaken. nothing as such. that's the problemwith present generation. that's why she made the kidssleep in the other room. get up. what do you mean?- listen to me. come. i have a treatmentfor your hip pain. he has the pain balm.- give it. and.. - how can you applyfrom this far? go inside.

apply properly. all the best. all the best. - uncle. give me just 10 minutes.- i know why you want 10 minutes. i will tell you the truthand go away. go out from here. sandhya, what's this? pain spray. - it will burn my eyes. shall i spray? - but why? sandhya. what are you doing?

my eyes.. i hear a sound. i will check. i don't need you anymore. there is no sound of falling. he is lucky. it didn't fall down. did you apply the balm properly?- i did, uncle. i will set it before he comes. okay, uncle. - wait. fall down when he comes.

i should do something. open. go up. why is falling down? thank god he is alive. he survived,but the important of the body broke. i guess you understood. that meanshe can never bear children. no use crying. have you ever made a good plan?

you came to this earthwithout any plan. come,they are indeed waiting for you. he is sharath. he is my cousin.- hi. hi. - even he is volunteerin our foundation. even sharath will accompany youin this trip. - okay. excuse me. the temperature in themountains runs into minus degrees. so we cannot allow childrenbelow 10 years to go there. sir, we have brought children herethrough make a wish foundation. and it is their last wish.

please try to understand. you too try to understand, ma'am. even the strongest people fall sickin these weather condition. and this journey to turn outto be harmful for these kids. sorry. no problem.i will make them understand. and they will surely agree. there's a condition. you'll have todine with me this evening. what? with you? are you crazy? you're talking suchthings during such circumstances.

i'm not crazy. even i have desires. go to hell. not just dinner,i can also watch films for kids. you must come alone.- what? i won't come. alright. then let it be.- sister, please agree. please agree, sister. okay.- great. now watch what i will do. thank you. - thanks. hello, jessica. - thanks.

how do you know my name?- it is written here. you know something, jessica? it is the magic of your eyes. you must be thinkingthat i'm flirting with you. but that's not so. seeing your eyes.. ..i feel like drowninginto them completely. please take me to your superior. sure. - let's go.

let's meet after the duty. you can go now. - thank you. bye. see you. - thank you, jessica.you're the best. come on guys. hurry up. what do you want to seeon these mountains? who told about them? my mother told me. seenu's father was a mountaineer. he came to these mountainsand went missing.

he never came back.seenu was just 4 years old then. my father lives in theclouds of the mountains, uncle. true. my mother told me. she is right. this is the same placewhere his father went missing. thanks, brother. - take care. look, probably this is the place. your father is probably there. father!

i can't handle this. i don't mind if i die now. i know, uncle.i won't live for long. i didn't want to die without meetingmy father. but now, it's alright. thanks, uncle. you made it possible. i was able to meet my fatherbecause of your sponsorship. thank you for coming dinner, sandhya. please orderyour favorite dish for me. have whatever you want.don't annoy me.

come on sandhya,i will have anything you order. do you have spicy bomber?- yes, ma'am. okay.i want it with naga viper chilies. along with green chilies. and add plenty of black pepper.- are you sure? - yes. okay, ma'am. enjoy your food. have it. tasty, isn't it?

are you mad?if you have more, you'll die. like these fishmine is also not a chosen life. situations made me helpless. but after meeting you and grandpa.. ..i knew the valueof love and relationship. before i could meet you,i was something else, sandhya. "happy birthday to you." "happy birthday to sandhya." brother, you are here?

look sandhya,i never missed your birthday. therefore, we both gave youthis surprise and we came here. happy birthday.. what's he doing here? you don't know?he is sandhya's husband. sandhya's husband? what rubbish? is he my brother-in-law? kishan, your brother-in-law is great. what are you saying?he can't be my brother-in-law.

my sister is still unmarried.- what? is he telling the truth? answer me. mr. mehra, listen to me.sandhya is innocent. she supported me for my benefit. i have seen many rogues,but no one like him. he is a biggest rogue. you don't know anything about him. he takes girls for granted.

after his job is over with one girl,he looks for another. anyways, never mind.let's go from here. let's go. - look sir,it is the matter of just one day. just shut up. let's go. sandhya, we're yet to fulfillhis wish, he has no time. i promise you, sandhya. i will never tryto come close to you. i'm telling the truth this time. earlier, i used to thinklife is only to earn..

..but now i realized thatfun lies in giving away. when i embraced golu, i realized.. ..happiness is attainednot by getting, but by giving. sandhya please,let's fulfill his last wish. i beg to you. get ready for this trip. please. - look.. sandhya.. brother, god has given us good healthand time to live our lives..

..but they don't have that. i know i'm with a wrong person. please listen to me for once,brother. after that, i will do as you say. please, brother. listen to me. "i'm there where you are." "i will walk with you.. ..like your clouds." here's your game zone.

all the games you want are here.go and enjoy. where are the police? police? - police must chase me. one plays alone here. - no, uncle. when i run, police must chase me. what? - that's what i am saying. you don't understand. like this game. i want this. that's a video game.- i want that only.

that's why i'm here. hey stop. what are you doing? what are you doing? the police is chasing. run, chintu. someone is kidnapping the boy. how did you like the game, chintu?- superb. hey man, stop there. - run. come on, chintu. don't be afraid. hold me tight.

we are from make a wish foundation. he is kishan andhe's fulfilling the kid's last wish. don't shoot. he is not the kidnapper. he is on the roof. hey stop. stop. - hey man, stop. kishan, stop. please listen to me. come on chintu, let's do it. oh my god. what will happen now? don't be afraid. hold this.

hold it. are you okay?- don't worry. i'm alright. hey, are you okay? - are you okay? you know it was risky. how could youthink it was possible? what if anythinghad happened? anything is possibleif we do with love. 'everything is possible with love.' but it was too risky.

what difference does it make?only humans have the.. ..capacity to make others happy. 'only humans have thecapacity to make others happy.' sandhya. hi, sandhya.- hi. sandhya, you said.. ..that you would listen to me afterchintu's last wish is fulfilled. you promised me,so i fixed your marriage with him. today evening is yourengagement ceremony!

marriage will take placein 2 or 3 days. let's go. we can only pay 50% money,.. ..we need little more timeto pay the balance. entire money had been paidto the client 6 days ago. court has received client'sclearance certificate too. grandpa would've paid them. just 2 more days onlyfor lord rama's birthday! shall we meet sandhyaand talk to her?

i too want to requestto attend the festival. but she got engaged yesterday. they're getting marriedin india two days later. how? hurry up! father-in-law, i've put a lockto all the slippers and shoes. no one can steal them now. grandpa, brother kishanhasn't come till now. priest says auspicious timeis elapsing.

if he doesn't come,at least you... his friend called last night andtold us that he left. he can come hereany moment. oh, it is too hot. it was sandhya's wish, so icame for wedding in this village. you would've at leastput an ac here. dad, couldn't this templebe in america? son, once themarriage gets over.. ..then we'll shift indiato america.

one minute. sandhya, what are you doing? listen, kishan.- sandhya, let's go. divine marriage of lord ramand seetha is about to happen,.. ..don't talk anything till it's over. today's day is a veryimportant day for your family. i know that. you make the arrangements,i'll join you. sandhya, don't be crazy.let's go.

i will not come.i remember the promise made to you. but don't be obstinate, please. he's my brother. how are you? please, come.- i'm fine. kishan.. who are they?- look.. they are sandhya's brother andrelatives. - what's the matter? grandpa, grandma is sitting on thedais. - what are you doing? the auspicious time is elapsing.- son, come soon. uncle, stop this marriagefor just two hours.

i have to make sandhyamy wife. nephew, i'm nota traffic inspector. anyways, if you say,i'll try. you did the right thingby telling them the truth. she'll come hereand become yours. you go and do your work andi'll go and do mine. come on, go. go. - okay. dad, shall we go behind them? we're groom's side,we can't go without invitation.

you're right, dad. watch now,what i will do. yes, but..- you look tired, freshen up. is this the wayto respect someone? i am sandhya's would-behusband from america. my car and my parentsare standing in sun. what is he doing here? if they know the truth, sandhya'smarriage will get cancelled. just a minute.i'll be back.

no sir, i have a room which woulddouble up the groom's power. you mean, do yousleep in that room? arvind, a man is like a lionbefore getting married. after marriage, even alion becomes a dog. 'oh, he feels he can get his sistermarried to him.' priest is calling thecouple to be there. sandhya is getting ready,but the groom is not to be seen. what confusion is this? am i a ghost?couldn't he see me?

he's asking you. tell him. somebody has fooled him, so hecan't see. - oh i see. hurry up, i want to marry urgently.- that's called 'pee urgently'. that was slip of a tongue.- then you shouldn't have said. you've irritated me so much.- let's make cottage cheese. i don't like cottage cheese.- we'll make buttermilk then. i don't like buttermilk. brother-in-law. - what?- my fuse is out. you are clear, right?

yes, i am. - then even i'm clear. listen to me, son. brother-in-law,i always get confused. but please don't tellthis to sandhya. i will talk to american scientistso that i can get treated. he is insane. take him in the room soon.- okay, you go. go dear. go and freshen up.relax for some time. lie down and take rest.- you!

do i like insane to you? if sandhya sits with kishan forprayers in front of everyone.. ..then what will people say? don't try to act smart. tell me where my sister is. if you don't tell me,i'll tell the entire village that.. listen, get it here. tell him where sandhya is. have cold water first.- i don't want!

just tell me where sandhya is. you hold this. you come with me.- do you know where she is? he will show him everythingother than sandhya. here we are. have you hidden sandhya there?- yes. baldev chopra spentmillions of rupees.. ..and made this water tank.you were looking for it, right? you may drink as much as you wantthen pee and fill the rivers. what did i ask you andwhat you are telling me?

are you mad?- you are mad. your thought is blocked updrinking bottled water. drink tank water too. when you are deaf, why did youget me here? idiot! he's shouting as if i am deaf. are you very thirsty? if you don't want this,you'll get local brew. i am not thirsty.i'm very angry. i'm angry.- 'city people speak so softly.'

i can't hear. he can't speak properly. i will leave.let's go, dear. where are you going?- tell me if you find her. sir, what's the matter? where's sandhya?- which sandhya? sandhya, my sister. who are you, sir? i'm her brother.

sandhya? confused, where are yougetting married? there's a funfair here. this is the confusion. fool, where's the wedding dais? even i'm looking for the same.- where are you? i am not finding the way. i'm standing on the roadfinding a way. old man is a big flirt.

he talks about weddingwhen he's in the verge of dying. i've heard her voice before. what is maya'sfake husband doing here? uncle, one minute. who is he?- he's getting them married. who is she then?- she is his partner. they both are gettingram and sita married. one minute.what's the bride's name? sandhya, why?- is her brother, a lawyer?

yes, how do you know?- i'll tell you later. you get your fatherhere immediately. even he's confused.- how do you know kishan? if you search for fraud on google,you get his name first. oh, he's the biggest crookin the world. he eloped with my beautiful wife. he won't be able to getanybody married forever. this is wrong. they are gettingthem married in a funfair. funfair or cart,i'll get married first.

you want to marry in old-age?- my children's wedding. don't marry.- shut up! wait, i can hear. i will tell about thisbetrayal to that man. greetings, i want to tellyou something. - hello. actually, i want toreveal something. can you see kishan? he is a crook. you are right.- he cheated me.

you are right. i'm telling you,are you deaf? i'm not a bearer, i workedas a bearer earlier in a hotel. blast a bomb in each ear.you may hear something then. you talk loudly.you are talking softly. look, you are deaf.- yes. you go and get yourself treated.he will operate you. - okay. or put curtains of your windowon your ears. deaf, hippopotamus.

i heard everything. you are strange, we could've spokenin ac instead of standing in sun. excess heat will make you irritated.- you need brains to get irritated. look, sandhya is sitting withkishan in the wedding. - oh. sitting togetherdoesn't spread aids. you are marrying her,but kishan is sitting next to her. he is just sitting with her,not sleeping with her. how can our daughter-in-lawsit with someone else? dad, what's the problem?

it is common in america.- hey! kishan and sandhya are married. idiot, fool! they are just married,they don't have children yet. but i don't believe it. he is your brother-in-law, right?- yes. i got hurt.- yes. he is your brother-in-lawand you are a fool. if you worry about your dignity,leave this village.

if you want to marry,then stop this wedding. let's go, son.- hurry up. come, son. no grandpa, i can't do this. i'm sorry, grandma. i lied to you.- nephew. uncle, one can be happy lying.. ..but the problem thatarises after that happiness.. ..it hurts you more.

forgive me, grandma. sandhya is not my wife. for my selfishness.. ..i lied to you andincluded sandhya in it. when i was exposed.. ..sandhya went away from me. i can't lie again andcheat all of you. sandhya, you are a stranger,but still you cared for them. i'm their kin.

the sorrow of losingtheir young son.. ..grandma has endured itfor 30 years. now she knows thatyou are not my wife.. ..what would she begoing through now. grandpa, if somebody whowe trust, betrays us.. ..it is not easy to forgive them. but you helped me in spiteof learning that i'm a cheat. only a grandpa can do this. i'm sorry, i can't go aheadwith this wedding.

the one who repentfor their mistakes.. ..even god forgives them. you have repented. brother, is he the same kishan? he was walking ona wrong path earlier. you considered him as your enemy. had i told you thatkishan has changed.. ..you wouldn't have believed me. seeing kishan and his family,don't you think, i'll be happy?

brother, kishan turned myhatred to love. don't you still believe thathe would keep me happy? i think i'm in love with kishan. i don't want to marry arvind. lord ram and sita weremarried in that era.. ..but for our happiness,we get them married every year. even this wedding will be same. i'm sorry, but my sister sandhya willbecome daughter-in-law of this house. 'running away from relationshipdoesn't solve any problem.'

'you should find thesolution with love.' 'you shouldn't runaway from relationships.'

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