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List Of Financial Consulting Firms In Germany

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good evening everyone. we welcome you all to another of ourbetterinvesting online tools tutorials. our webinar tonight is all about how tofind great stock ideas from the betterinvesting website. this includes the tutorial piece wherewe're going to show you how to screen for stocks using the online tools aswell as other stock ideas in multiple areas of the bi website. my name is suzi artzberger and i'm theproduct manager for our online stock tools. i'm joined by ann cuneaz who is oursenior manager of education programs.

she's going to help answer questions - or ask me questions live - and we have a couple of other great volunteer helpersin the background. this is going to be our agenda fortonight. when we do events we find there's always a huge amount of interestin stock ideas. if you're a plus member, you'll haveaccess to a number of stock ideas. a couple of other stock ideas over thecore member but we'll go through that. one of the first places we're going tostart is the stock screener in our tools. and then we'll cover the ticker heat mapwhich is available to our plus members. after that we'll review our first cutnewsletter. every two weeks it comes out

with some great stock ideas and then ourticker talk webinar program which has the five in five segment. if you haven'tbeen to a tickertalk program you are missing something great. you need to go. the weekly stock screenin our betterinvesting weekly email also givessome pre-selected great ideas and the betterinvesting magazine with the stockto study and the undervalued feature as well as some most active stocks insidethe magazine is another great source. on the website we have a most-active stockslist that's updated continuously that we're going to show you how to find aswell.

so, lots of great ideas here. in the handout section of thegotowebinar control panel is a handout that we call the screening quick startguide and that will go over and give you - it's a takeaway - for all these areas thatwe're going to visit. so, be sure and download that. if you have questions aswe go along or if you need to see something repeatedthat's perfectly fine. please let us know through the chat orquestion panel and we'll have ann bring that up and we'll go over itagain. as we go along here you are going to see stocks tonight. this is not amaybe. this is a definite. dn't consider

these as 'go out and buy' stock tips. they are examples of how to get greatstock ideas that are up to the minute but you still need to do your ownresearch. you may see other websites as examples. ithink there might be one or two if we get to there at the end. don't fret if you don't see them. mostmost everything we're going to look at tonight is betterinvesting websites. ifyou do ever see anything else in a betterinvesting webinar don't considerit immediately endorsed. they should be considered as examples only-- and again - i'll repeat - always do your own research.

this session will be recorded for futureuse so it will be posted on youtube. if you have registered for this live event, which if you're attending tonight you obviously have, you will receive anemail follow-up with a link to the recording. if you have to leave duringthe middle or whatever, don't worry. you'll be able to get that link veryeasily. so i'm going to start out with a few slides here that are going to detailthe screening portion of our tools as well as the ticker heat map. tt's worth getting a blown-up view ofthat side of the world. so, this is a picture of our screeningtool in the coressg. this is what you

would have access to if you are a coremember. now we have many tutorials about ouronline stock tools and this is the one that covers how to use this particulartab which is highlighted in this green with the magnifying glass. othertutorials tell you about other parts of the tools. so when you are in the tools, you can getaccess to the various functionality on the left and the screening part isreally more about screening and stock ideas. if you mouse over it live it willsay 'stock ideas' and i'll show you that when we go live

look for that magnifying glass. let me show you the general overview ofthe screen now. in the core view we have two sections basically we have somepredefined screens here on the right there are two predefined screens forcore users ssd plus has a few more options i'll show you that in a minuteand then on the left we have a little bit more involved it's not too complexbut a little bit more involved way of setting up your own screen you canscreen by sales and earnings growth rate small medium and large company and ournewest criteria here which is about trade exchanges so most of our users aregoing to be buying stocks and us

exchanges so it defaults to showing youjust stocks that trade on us exchanges we do have an option if you want to seeall covered stocks which will include the toronto stock exchange adventureexchanges for our canadian users so that is our newest criteria they're all incore ssg has five criteria to choose from and then at the bottom here you'llsee the results of your screen we'll get into that a little bit morewhen i showed you the plus screen so that's just the general layout ofscreening we're going to see ssd plus and thenwe'll show it to you live let's just get to acclimate you to thevarious areas

now the ssg plus screen is a little bitdifferent get a few more elements the first thingyou're going to see is that there are three columns here so you have searchcriteria which has more searched items you have predefined screens in thecenter here instead of two there's five redefine screens we arenewest one here is the roster of quality which is a predefined screen from oursister company i club and you can see what's in it or we'll be able to seewhat's in it when we go and click through there in the live tool so justpointing out with the newest feature there is ssg plus has nine criteria andthe newest to our a value they

excuse me evaluation metric which is thepe divided by growth rate and again that traded exchange criteria for us orcanadian or all additionally ssd plus users have accessto the ticker heat map which is a way of showing the more popular stocks beingstudied in the community we're going to talk about that after wenext but first let's finish talking about what we can do with the resultsarea once you have a set of results you seeyou see those results show up at the bottom and you have a couple of optionsyou have to blue buttons that you can click the one on the left is for openand the one on the right is for

previewing a study well open just means start a study previewingmeans i want to get an idea of what this company might look like in a secselection guide without actually having to open up the study or stock selectionguide so if i clicked down here to thatpreview stock up would pop a pop-up that shows me the data for the company willsee that quick little graph with sales earnings and price and if you're new toour methodology then i'll give you a very general butpowerful tenant that we have which is we want to see sales and earnings movingtogether the sales is the top line here

earnings is the blue line you want tosee them moving up together and growing you want to see price following meaning the market is valuingthe fact that this company is making profits or earnings and our manager hereis we want things to be as up straight and parallel as is reasonable almost every company has a a you knowdoesn't follow that exactly but here we have a pretty good example of upstraight and parallel so that's what we're looking for here in our quick viewand you'll get that again by clicking on the preview

once you have a list of results at thebottom you can move forwards and backwards by using these forwards andbackwards buttons and you'll get to just cycle through each of the results andsee what the little many sales earnings price graph looks like then i said we talk quickly about theticker heat map so before we get into it live let meexplain what's going on here the ticker heat map let me reiterateagain is only available to ssg plus users it's this colorful chart that comes upthis slide was actually pulled today so

we can talk about what it would looklike if you opened it today and what it is are the top 100 tickers represented by100 little boxes now those are the top 100 tickers bypopularity created through the online stock selection guide tools core pluswithin the last 90 days so it's very current the tickers aregrouped together by sectors and in this case out of 11 sectors we have eightrepresented we're missing a few hear things like real estate materials aregenerally missing because they're not typically growth companies so we're notseeing that companies out of those

sectors are the most popular these typically are and it's kind ofinteresting because the last time we ran this webinar technology was the largestbox and nist time its consumer cyclical so there are 100 little boxes here thesize of the box represents how many studies were created in the last 90 days so apple looks like it is the mostpopular company to be opened in the online stock selection guide gilead looks very popular also still big you know because it's in the top 100less popular

let's look for one of the smaller boxesmaybe something like schlumberger or sj mastercard ma they have smaller boxes sothat just gives you a very nice visual that they are a little bit less popularthan that then an apple if you will and then we have colorscolors are another visual representation of the potential favorability orinvestment return with the dark green being the most favorable let's talk about that back size isrelative the number of studies we talked about that box color dark green is themost favorable this is the way it works i there arealways all of these 10 colors from dark

green to dark red dark green and greenare the more favorable returns and red are the less favorable returns it doesn't mean that greens are alwaysbuys and it doesn't mean that reds are always sells not at all we just have an equal distributionamongst those 100 companies all colors will be present so something on thatlist is going to be dark red and it's just a ranking system so i hope thatthat makes sense to you it could be let's pretend we're in anextreme bull market so we're in a bull market now but let's pretend it's justwildly extreme you're still going to

have stocks that are red you're still going to have stocks thatare green so they're just going to be more favorable the green ones are goingto have theoretically a better return than the red ones that's all that mean so again just a visual idea there's onemore component that we need to take a look at and that is the fact that if youhover your mouse over one of these boxes you will get a black box that pops upthat gives you more information tells you a little more about the company sowe see the ticker here but you'll find out that gn tx is jentax it's in theconsumers

technical well i would hope so becausethat's how it's grouped it's in the auto parts industry historically it's had these levels ofgrowth rate over those last 10 data points for nine periods and this istoday's data so as of today we've had 604 study's open in the last 90 days that's pretty powerful being that thatspeaks to how many people are using these tools and providing input to thiskind of data then finally you can actually click directly on the box toopen a study if you find something intriguing right there

so that's the last thing i wanted topoint out right here with the ticker heat map so and before we move on arethere any questions brewing about the ticker heat map that we need to behigher up not really suzie everything is handledat this time so why don't you just come alive and it see what else comes up okay well i'm going to switch over to mybrowser and check that that's what our audience is seeing here yes and i have already logged in you cansee my name up here 20 it's burger i'm going to show you how to get to thetools

so that's first up and generally peopleget to our online tools by going to this green area on the home page and we havea couple of options here you can enter a tricker ticker directly like if i wantedto study gilead i would put gld year and i click on go i can go to my studies i can research abasic company data page i can compare stocks to get our stock ideas i'm going to go through my studies iclicked on that blue box for my studies now this is going to open in a differenttab let me go back here so might you know it

so you can see let me kind of expandthat down this is here is my tab at the top of the screen i'm going to wait youguys can see that there you go where i'm on the member home page when i click onthe my studies link it opened a whole new tab so if you think something isn'thappening check this other tab and it opens into the file folder page that isall about my studies but remember we're looking for the screening and stockideas so there's that magnifying glass if i hover over it it's just stock ideasnow i'm going to click on that directly

it's going to switch to green colortelling me that's the active tab and here we go here should be a view thatfamiliar to you from that previous slide that i showed you this is the stockideas and screening page for the ssg plus tools so let's talk about what's on here againremember there's the predefined screens this is kind of the easiest way ofgetting a screen done i have five different options so let's say i did a quality screen let me click on that we see that it'sprocessing and then we will see a set of

results below now i'm going to scroll down a littlebit and i am showing 100 entries here i can have a choice of showing 10 25 50or 100 i like 100 whatever i pic will be storedand we'll come back and show one you know 100 again down at the bottom itshows me how many total so this says that i am showing 1 248 ofa total of forty-eight entries and then if i scroll down here i can seeall of those entries so that's where my results show and what can i do withthose results well every column sortable i just simplyclick on the column and i can sort in

this case by company name ascending ordescending i can sort by ticker you probably notgoing to find that incredibly useful but one way we that we find that people dofind use is by sorting by sector let's say you want to see all of the consumercyclical together you want to see all of these companiesyou know kind of scroll through cement how many options there are in eachsector you can do that you can sort by industryyou can sort by company size now these company sizes align withbetter infects that are investing is guidelines for size of companies

we're a small company is differentiatedin sales by 02 up to 1 billion dollars in revenue in the last fiscal year large companies are over 10 billion inrevenue in the last fiscal year and mediums everything in between so maybe you're looking for a largesized company to round out your portfolio or maybe you're looking for asmall company to round out your portfolio this can help sales growth wecan sort by sales growth and when i click on this i see that i don't have anything smallerthan a ten percent sales growth and i'm

going to go back and show you that inthe quality criteria if you want to know the make up of these various predefinedpreset screens just click on this ? and get thedefinition and sure enough we have some criteria here that's the sales growthhas got to be greater than or equal to ten percent same with earnings growth so that's whywhen we when we sort on those we see nothing lower than a 10 for earningsgrowth so those are the columns that we can seein our results i'm actually going to answer a questionright here

this can i export all of these from thepre screener from the results section the answer is at this point no you can't but let me show you how youcan go through them and refine them a little bit more there is a search of column so let's sayi only want technology sector companies out of this i've got a couple of options i cansearch all columns and for the word technology and i see that this will showme the sector technology but it also shows me the word technology here whichis in bio attack

let's not be quite what i wanted let meshow you another trick i'm going to scroll down and there are a set offilters at the bottom so if i wanted to see in the sector allthe technology companies i type technology there if i wanted to see allsmall technologies i go over here and type an s which will give me all smalltechnology questions which i our results which i think was another question howdo you further refine that result set from a predefined screen so those are pretty powerful as well soi can see that i have for companies that meet my quality screen that are in thetechnology sector that are small so

let's talk about what we can see when wepreview the data remember i we have two options here wecan start a study a study is synonymous with stock selection guide so i canstart to study which is the same thing as saying i'm going to open this in astock selection guide that's not quite what i want to do yet iwant to preview the data some i want to further refine or atleast knock out a list of companies that may not be visually quite what i'mlooking for more fundamentally really i'm looking at fundamental data here sales earnings and price

so here i see monolithic power and if iuse the forward or next button here i'll see ansys well that's a prettylittle graph there of up straight and parallel and if i go one more i'll seethe result of each gov we sticker sticker is ego the company is and i see and then wehave one more options here which is omnicell took her oh mcl so that's how maybe there's one ofthose that doesn't interest you right off the bat because of how of the howthe fundamentals look and that's how you can use your previewbutton to help you out in this situation

now if we want to move on and become alittle more fine-grained we can use the individual search criteria and to dothat i'm just going to move over here to the left sometimes we get the question can i usethe predefined screen and mix it with the sales growth now it's one section or another i'vekind of showed you how you can sort and filter your results set to help you outhere when you're using a predefined screen but if we go over here and pickour own search criteria let's say i want something with prettyaggressive sales growth twelve percent

or more with earnings of at least apercent i want to see if there's a medium-sizedcompany in any sector i'm gonna leave dividend yield alonehere now what you're watching me do i don't haveto set every criteria just the ones i'm interested in nowlet's say i want at least a pre-tax profit trend that stable or up and leaveit at that let's search and see what i get i'mgoing to scroll down and see what that result looks like and i have 50 or 94 entries there that might be fine for youyou might you know just want to go

through and preview the data or filterit a little more down here or you might want to say well do any of these pay adividend of anything and then that gets knocked down probably quite a bit to 52 so you mix and match your criteria herelet's say you're willing to open it up to small companies as well as media hopefully we'll get a few more and thatlooks like a hundred and twenty 129 i'm showing the first 100 i want to seethe next page here's the next page button down here onthe lower right so i can click on the next the word next year and go to thenext twenty nine entries that have come

out of that screen so you can be as finegrained is these nine criteria let you be if you are a canadian customer ofours you can look for canadian exchanges only cares about three thousandcompanies that are covered in the tools at canadian exchanges and frankly notall of them there especially the venture exchange can be a little more volatilein terms of fundamentals so we usually see smaller result setswhen we're looking for pretty strict quality results here so that's pretty much what you can dowith all of your screening criteria for screening results at the bottom of thepage

so the i know you talked about it aminute ago but there's been a couple questions so maybe we can go over that filteringagain or that searching so you don't have your criteria here andthen just say i'm just picking what i'm looking at say he only wanted to look at things inthe credit services industry ok well im looking at canadian but let'sleave it there it doesn't matter yeah right well let'sgo to the industry filter here i must start typing credit services andyou can see the results in you really

get what why don't we do a us companywhere we have let's go back and add small or medium companies that pay adividend who trade on us exchanges and let's look because the question was canyou just limit it to only those that you know are in a certain industry or yessomething like that so yes you can and a way to do that bylimiting to a specific sector or industry if you only want a certain industry theway to do it is the filter down here if i have a sector box up here so let's sayi wanted to do communication services specifically then i would get certainresults that let's say i wanted those

twelve percent growers and technologywe're probably going to get a few more especially if we say they don't have topay a dividend so now we haven't a decent set of 46 results and you're interested andsemiconductors and i start typing semi conductor and it looks like we have twoindustries equipment and materials and semiconductors themselves like shipsthat arm type tips or broadcom might make and so forth ok so hopefully that helps yeah i thinkthat that helps clarify that filter now we do have one other question that justcame in you were talking about the

preview earlier which is a great featurebut richard is wondering if you can eliminate any of these from the resultsbased on a preview that you don't care for no i think the nice i'm going to say nobecause i'm guessing how he would say you know oh i don't like this companyi'm going to mark it as a no you can't do that the way i would use this for althoughthat's a great idea what the way i would use it as i look through here and i lookfor the ones i like it because that's not it

nor is that i pgp looks pretty good andi might be interesting that i would just make a note of i pgp and keep that on myshort list to take a look at so richards question is about hey as you're goingthrough can you mark them and in and take them off your list and the answeris no but we will put that on our list of suggestions if i'm reading hisquestion correctly yeah i think you are and it's a goodidea but i'm like you i just sit with a notepad at my side and market once iwant but yeah very quickly go for it in the paper who cares ok exactly i think you and igot everything right just just kind of

went through here going out looks decent mm maybe i don't know and some of them it you could tell as iwas going through really not really yeah no good okay thank you well we're all kind ofhere so okay all right moving on we talkedabout predefined screen we talked about individual criteria let's talk about thelast area of great stock ideas that we can glean from the tools by using theticker heat map i showed you the slide let's do it live all i'm going to do isclick using my little mouse here and

click right this panel tops up and you'll see these100 companies so remember in the slide that i showedyou gentex here was the example that i showed you and i mouse over it we cansee their 604 companies apple was our largest one 1096 that might be kind ofsmall as it comes through in a webinar but that's how many cup how many ss geez have been opened anapple in the last 90 days i believe it is the number one clubholding and as people you know are looking at following that for their club

they'll open the the stock to take alook at it another thing that you'll find becausethis is updated daily is that sometimes the popularity comemoves around a little bit so for example tiro they presented theresults today i believe so we might see more activity on t rowe price as peopleare looking at with the recent results are as the data flows through the toolsand therefore generates more stock selection guides that are counted sojust be aware of that now we see that dark green to dark redconcept let's see if we can find some of the darkest green something likepriceline or gin therm to the other

extreme would be the dark red like ajohnson johnson it doesn't mean that these companieswill produce any returns it just means they're based on thejudgments that have been entered for the completed studies and the current pricethat they may have less opportunity to grow so that's a little bit important the size box is about popularity but thecolor box takes into account judgments and completed stock selection guides andthen we take those numbers in aggregate and we take the current price andcalculate a potential return think and rank them by favorability so they mightall have a positive potential return

you know growth in price but some mayhave more than other but you are meant to use this as a stock idea generatorand you do your own research so you would want to like pick one ofthese companies and do your own research one of the things you can do like i saidis just i'm going to click here on the thr mr jenthor box and it will open thatcompany and then i can go on and do my own stock selection guide now another thing you want might want tobe able or e big knives is that even though the companies are popular they might not be great or they mightnot be looking great on a stock

selection guide so that's where you haveto do your own research you're not going to take the let me showyou what i'm doing here to get back to the ticker heat map so i was in thestock selection guide now to get back to the ticker heat map i'm going to that stock ideas tab overhere and clicking it's going to ask me if i want to abandon my study sure that's fine going to see thatmagnifying glass and here's the ticker heat map again so remember popularity doesn't alwaysmean great so do your own research there

susie we have a question about the theheat map feels asking if all completed ss geez contribute to the heat map or doyou have to mark something as you complete the study um completed ssg is contribute to the heat map you don't have to mark a specific boxthat says please include this and you know the consensus judgments or anythinglike that we check for have all of the properjudgments been made and it's just an anonymous thing we don't know who's doneit we say hey if is their earnings per

share growth rate is there a high p/e isour high prices they're low price and so forth so no there's no extra step thereso i could go right here in caution people that this might be a an ssgthey've completed as a quick and dirty ssg that becomes part of the consensusit could be made by a robbie beginner it could be made by up a real pro in ourmethodology one of the nice things so you have totake that into account but one of the nice things that we havegoing for us is that the huge volume that have been completed so let's put this in perspective whenwhen analysts get together on a company

and make a long-term projection andanswered these numbers there might be 40 analyst for apple make a short-termprojection but the number of analysts making a long-term projection is prettysmall this is not with their where theirbusiness model eyes i mean there might be ate less than 10 where we have youknow great statistical significance because we have a lot of these numberscoming together to make our averages we have hundreds and hundreds oflong-term estimates on some of these companies so little bit of pros and cons- how these numbers are put together butgreat stock idea generator and i see a

question about the roster quality tab i yeah although i mean it's as simple ashere's the roster quality and if you are a user of our older desktop producttoolkit it's the same kind of screen that's included there that's why we haveit here for the ssd plus users it is based on a kind of a proprietary set ofcriteria from i club and just included here for the sake of completeness forthose older are not older but for the toolkit users it's pretty conservative we don't get alot of results 30 entries and the roster of qualityscreen in general demands that the

company has had some pretty good recent quarterly growth so sometimes wedon't see a lot of companies on this screen and it can be pretty rough butit's it works just like any of the other ones and hopefully that helps with thatquestion are there any more before we move on to some other great areas no we're all caught up now ok let's goto one of my favorite and i know what + favorites which is the first cut areahere i am back on the member home page and in this big box right here first cut and what this is is a list ofinvestment ideas but the bonus here is

they come with a report and why peopledoing it doesn't have to be an in-depth analysis some people do more in-depth analysesthan others but just kind of a first pass on why they thought this companywas a worth further study that's why it's called a first cut so ithink this is a first pass on that they will be published by email everytwo weeks let me show you what that looks likewhen it gets to your email so let's talk about the email part firstif you are receiving these great you'll see an email that looks like this firstcut stock studies and looks like last

tuesday was first cut tuesday on july 19and we see a first cut report on tractor supply on biogen and don't last one ison lkq and if you were to click through these i'm going to do that and you'llget to open the study you would be doing whoa my pdf in mychrome is not looking great there if you were to do this for meemail you pull up this first cut stock study report and see why this personthought that biogen was a high quality growth company what their projections were and why andthen maybe a little bit of extra explanation and a completed stockselection guide

so it's kind of all of the good thingsin one and you have any more to add before i go on to where to get these onthe website that was perfect people have them i just you know my onlything would be i'd encourage everybody to to submit one as you're doing studies i know people sometimes get a littlenervous about you know sticking their neck out there but we're all in thistogether and i don't think anybody would judge you badly they appreciate lookingat all of these studies people love this email that the yeah it's a it's a greatdiscussion on paper so nobody is like

ants that nobody's judging you itdoesn't have to be in depth just think of it is that first cut first pass thatthis up here is a link i review i'll just say that - i do reviewall the studies just to kind of give it a a sanity check make sure everythingmakes sense and it's lining up with the ssg i don't make people's judgments forthem but there isn't a checking going on in a conversation if needed so yeah i think we have a question hereabout would you consider showing a buy sell orhold rating in a first cut summary i'm

not sure i think it's that individual'spersonal preference the but this the right up has that bywhole . sorry we don't have a right you do havebasically based on a calculation what would you recommend and then thisperson said you know based on all of the numbers i put in its a bye i'm holding for this particular reasonso you get a little bit of insight into where their head was at in this process so i love that because i've done thismany times yeah technically is a by but i'm going to wait until the nextquarterly report or you know for example

something like that that's what the email looks like now ifyou're not getting this now you are going to tell them how theycan submit a study don't guess sorry i don't have it i'm going to go back and re show that soi'm going to click on the logo here go back to our home page and show themagain you go to this first cut section hereand say look for new investment ideas i'm going to will end up in the firstcut section the other way to get there is through tools and resources and firstcut

once we're there there is a link it saysclick here if you would like to submit a stock study and you know what it's goingto bring up the instruction on how to do that just follow the instructions it's it'sas simple as that i'm going to show them the rest of thefirst cut page though we're and has them segregated by sectors and then also one big list so let's take that healthcare sector weknow we had a biogen study submitted and here we see

biogen and we see that the latest studydate so we have some information here that you might use to see if if there'san updated study on one of the companies that you're interested in so one of the great things that you cando is if you're studying for example express scripts or acyl labs we couldreally use an updated study on some of these please submit one if you're astock watcher in your company for abbott you know go ahead and submit the firstcut and keep everyone up to date there so that there's a you know huge resourcewe get a couple three new ones every week and when we look how many companiesyou think there are governed know i've

lost track i'm hundreds 400 and i'm summerling thatthe number of different companies that have had a first cut submitted to get asense for what's out there now even if you know they're not up to theminute studies you're still going to find theminteresting to open them up and see in particular where growth is coming fromand so forth that's why we have some of the olderones left up there is that there's a lot because of the long term fundamentalinvesting nature of what we do you can still find value in in thecompany analysis so check those out if

you're looking for i i will add that we've started takingdown pages if it has been here any study for i think we had a verygenerous five years so hope i mean if you see something that hasn't beenupdated like i just notice abbott hadn't had anything in a longwhile and i know there's a lot of clubs that hold abbott so let's get an a bit out there so itdoesn't disappear at the end of next year right ok one other thing before i leave thispage before we start getting a lot of

questions about hey i'm not getting this email becausethat is the number one way that people access this product for this it's a newsletter we delivered by emailevery two weeks if you're not getting that email i'mgoing to go back to the website but in this gray bar up at the top i there is a link to update your profileand i want you to take a look - click on that and then take a look atwhat emails you are signed up to get make sure that first cut is checked i'llalso tell you make sure that you're

seeing all your educationalopportunities your news and events your local chapter news and events so thatyou're not missing out on all these great benefits of membership ok are there any more questions beforewe leave the first cut area yes try just asked a great one and he'sasking for permission or is it ok to submit a first cut entry even if theclub doesn't have a position in it absolutely troy i'm just going to answerthis ok sir yeah absolutely

we encourage that i mean you have manypeople aren't in clubs personal portfolios i doesn't have to be in a portfolio itmight be something you're interested in it might be a buy right now and you'reputting it on your watch list but you want to give everybody the benefit ofthe research you've done in your thoughts about it so anything is fairgame so yes absolutely and i'm going toanswer one more that came up about ticker heat map again and it was it's about popularity hundred companieshundred most popular companies size of

boxes how popular bigger the box the more pop taylor smaller the box lesser popularbut think about it this way we have 8,000 over 8,000 companies in thedatabase that you can study these 100 are all technically popular but we havewithin that 100 ranked from biggest to smallest now the colors are about potentialreturn on your investment or favorability green is theoretically morefavorable red is theoretically less favorable always do your own research soi hope that helps with that question

and again if you need something repeatedplease let us know that's what we're here for ok let's isit before you leave first cut i just wanna show one other place i know youshowed how to get to the first cut form on the first cut page and frankly idon't love the way we have that setup there's another place and that's inresources under worksheets ok and you can get the first cut formright there along with a lot of other handy worksheets it's up in the middlethere it is right that will tell you think i'm that go ahead and when you see me going tothe tools and resources tab and less

than 10 items down there's a worksheetslink i'm going to click on that and we'll seesome basic worksheets and we'll have worksheets we've used in various classor classes including guidelines for beginners and there is the first cutform so that's kind of a handy place i think sometimes what that's a littlepanda here and plus you can look at some of the other worksheets that are outthere sure so okay thank you for for that noproblem well let's talk about one of my otherfavorite stock ideas because when and says she's holding a ticker talk webinar

what do i ask you what companies werepresented because that's one of my favorite segments take our talk is a monthly or almostevery month i think you take a break at certain one or two times a year but it'sjust about every month and it's a one-hour webinar and various educationaltopics are presented but at the end there supposed to be a five in fivesegments and i say supposed to be because it's like five tickers and 10minutes they can never keep it to five minutes but that's okay so out of the three presenters

we each come up with two and only has tocome up with one stock idea and we may present the five and five now if youview the recording towards the end you can see that these recordings are greatthey're you know chapter eyes so we could go right to thefive and five segments so i'm going to click back on that so please sign up to attend a webinaryou'll not only get stock ideas but you will learn some other cool stuff thingsas well but let me tell you about the stock ideas spread sheet if you click onthat spreadsheet and open it up and let's see if it's going to open up in adifferent area of my computer i can open

up the pee dee is at the bottom sincethey just have to open it oh yeah it is opening on the other so let me move that over and this giveseverything that was presented by year everything in 2016 2015 2014 2013 now these are ideas that the individualpresenter presents based on their own criteria theoretically that they are youknow ideas that are worth consideration they're not lies necessarily they mighteven be in very rare cases warnings about particular stocks but somethingthat might be interesting for you two to take another look at

in this particular case then i think itwould agree you're not going to go out and buy these stocks immediately theymight be great stories but really high priced right now but the presenters willtalk about why they think this is worth a few sentences of consideration duringthe ticker talk presentation so please check that list out now let me get backto it's my year in a pdf format so again going to repeat that if you goto tools and resources and the second one down a sticker talk if you clickhere you're going to end up on this page this will give you information aboutprevious webinars it will

and your next webinar session is comingup august eight teen you can register nowor watch your email that's why it's so important to be signed up for thoseeducation emails and if you just want to look at the stock ideas come here and look at the spreadsheet solet me see if there's any questions before we go on and not particularly ok the whole thing let's go on toanother area and those are the weekly screens that we have i'm going to go back and click on ourlogo in the upper left to get to the

member home page that's how i do it and if you haven'tseen our better investing blog this is how you get at it this visit ourblog i'm going to click on that link it will open up a website that looks alittle bit different than our standard web site is called blog better investing. org and every week we publish a weekly stock screen this weekly stock screen isalso available in an email but this is usually the way i get to it i'm going to go read the full articlehere and it will tell you what the criteria is based upon

so in this week screen every weeks alittle bit different in this week screen we're looking for annual revenues lessthan 1 billion that's making it a small sized company growth rate of twelvepercent of our both sales and earnings of twelve percent or more r 2 r squared greater than . nine andthat's a statistical measure i'm gonna cut to the chase and tell you that thoseare fairly straight and consistent sales and earnings lines are print trends inour protects profiter uh i'm sorry protect income are at least even if thatup p is less than or equal to 30 and soforth

now when you so that's what went into itif you want to download it in an excel file will see that and you can get thatone right in an excel file so let's check that out here and that'swhat it looks like so again a couple of other great stockideas it will also give you the screening you know the criteria in that screen aswell so don't miss out on that potential screening areas ok let's see one more thing that wecan't forget is our better investing magazine every better investing memberhas at let me close this out here every

better investing member has access tothe better investing magazine most people receive it as a printversion and it comes in their mailbox you can also see it online go to toolsand resources and better investing magazine and you will see a full issueonline or you can even see the emag is seen online if you are a member you can get the ipad or google play appof the bi magazine without paying any extra money so i mean i went toe-magazine over here i'm going to open the current issue now our editorialstaff is part of a securities and review committee that pics of stock to studyand undervalued feature every month

so this is the latest magazine and i canturn the pages virtually there are a couple places in the magazine that youcan look for stock ideas there is a most active bubbling there'sa most active list here i'm going to actually blow this up a little bit andwe can see the most active list we can see the most active bubbling under thelist which is the number is 13 - 40 which is like an another great place tolook for stock ideas that you can plop into a stock selection guide and andwork on there so i the question was can we make the text a little bit larger yeti can slide and make that a little bit larger with a slider there so hopefullythat helps and and like i said most

people receive this magazine via theirtheir postal post office there's also a couple of stock ideas here that are thestock to study for the month and an undervalued feature in months where wedo a combined issue like this one which is a june and july combined issued willactually have two sets of companies two sets of stock to study and undervaluedfeatures so we do 24 full-blown stock ideas from our security's a review committee every yearfor the magazine so check those out there on the betterinvesting website let me go through our last item here i'm going to go back tothe homepage the member home page and

we'll see an up-to-the-minute version ofmost active stocks and there we go to the top 10 is under here under mostactive stocks here ok so we see apple we see gillians guyworks facebook walt disney air lease so again of caution you know when we'retalking about popularity or most active it could be that these are most activebecause people are selling them could be their most active because the club hasinvested in them in a different point in time so you definitely want to do yourown research on some of these now with that do we have any final questionsbefore we wrap up um you know i man 31 right now i don'tknow if you know the answer cheryl's

asking about she's not seeing thecurrent issue on her phone i'm assuming she's talking about throughthe app that you were talking about probably and apparently just hasn't beenposted yet exactly and hot off the presses exactlyit just came through and we have to go through another little garage last stepnow to push it through to the phone app so that should be today or tomorrow thisbefore friday that should be out to the phone app and other than that i thinkthat are all caught up so great job alrighty let's go back toour slide show and a couple of slides i bring up to at the end of everypresentation is when we talk about tools

if you have suggestions for the tools wedo have a place for users to submit requests and for you to vote on alreadysubmitted requests and that is that feedback . better investing that org you can also get to that link from our last tab and the tools the helpand information tab on that help and information tab there are also a link toour frequently asked questions site so if you're going through this and havesome questions about the online stock tools or even membership and so forth please try here to see if you can searchand see if the answer to your question

has already been posted don't miss our next webinar which isaugust 17 remember that ticket oak webinars august eighteenth you could getme one night and the next you know it's an exciting week that week it's mybirthday that week too so watch your email for special offer on the tools forthat week portfolio tools we're going to talkabout how to do various functions and set up portfolios manager portfolios andthe tools in this webinar on august 17 watch your emails for futureannouncements for upcoming webinars and with that will take any final questionsand we have any of those

we do not we are all caught up it lookslike i'm just doing one quick review okay we're good awesome and i want tothank you and thank our back room staff carol and charles and arlene and for allthe help that we've given and putting on these webinars please let us know if you have anyquestions by emailing us at service at better investing that org and i hope tosee everyone here at our next webinar thank you all for coming and goodnight

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