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second-class hi everyone my name is outof this year and i'm a counselor with reachivy this is a master class on the power offiction that i will be discussing and sharing with you over the next 40minutes or so my background is in creative writing and literature and whati've been doing with the region iv students is working on essays as some ofyou know and a lot of that is inspired by the kind of literature and fiction iread and enjoy and so i'd like to share some of that could you let's first startwith a quick introduction to who reachivy is is why we are so awesome

ok 30 minute introduction into why fictionis a powerful tool that we use in our daily lives without even realizing itand what i'm gonna have to do is look at a few different passengers authors thati have read and loved over the years and whose lives have inform and influenceand inspire their tidying from the time they were born to seeing world eventshappening around them and which have now left huge impression on us as readerstoday as just people living in the 21st century and watching history process byand watching our present action and r&r card politics and our card culturalrevolutions sort of unsold so this is a

fiction lecture but fiction doesn't workjust as a lecturer at needs to be something that is interactive let youguys do along with me so i went to keep showing us little passages and givingyou little tiny writing exercises so if you don't yet have a pen and paper infront of you i'd love you can grab one if you on your laptop that's fine butquickly get to stake out a piece of paper and a pen and we're going to getstarted so you should be seeing is a screen thathas exactly six words on it and those six words read for sale baby shoes never worn i hope you can allsee that this is famously called a six

word story or a six-word memoir and isattributed to ernest hemingway famous american author some of you may haveread all man and the sea part of your curriculum and maybe you loved it media hated it but i think that enablesstory doesn't belong to him is something that he had seen several times before invarious forms of headlines but ultimately had brought it to someonethat he could write an entire book in exactly six words and so here we have itwe have a six word story what makes us a story what makes a complete story i meanif you look at the words that if you think about it it's all you need to knowright everything that needs that you

need to know about this baby and whatbelong to this baby and what happened to those baby in these six words you toobaby shoes that were never warren well something happened to that kid that canno longer needed those shoes there for sale there probably new shoes are stillin pretty good condition which again tells you how quickly these shoes arebeing got rid of i never want it also incomplete pristine condition and one insix words we have what shakespeare took several acts of several place to puttogether in terms of being a tragedy and and and people like him put it togetherat exactly six words so i'd like you guys dick darman ups and tried to putdown six words that you think a story

i'm gonna pause here for a moment and iwant you guys to be sitting there saying well he's going to move on and dosomething next i will but like i said fiction is best experienced when youguys try to do it too creative writing is just chillin when it's your own wordsthat are looking at in front of you to give us a quick dry here we have forsale baby shoes never worn you could even tryone that starts off with for sale and then you could put forward your own inthere but what is it like what makes a story what is a beginning and endinggive it a shot ok we're back to my

we made come back to this we'll see if we havetime but for now just hold onto these six words only six words but there is apowerful words like i was seeing sometimes all you need is a few words toconvey what's going on for those of you who have been using these iv forbrainstorming and essay writing and have been having to work with word limits allof this time limit can be a challenge because either you want to say too muchyou don't have enough words or you have not enough that you need to see in yourpics under construction introduction to our limit either way to pay with what itmeans to have a word limit to work

against the constraints of the wordlimit is really helpful tool to improve your writing skills and so in some senseit's good that you guys have to write us because we're too much like i said aregood way to participate in practice but next let's move back into fictionbecause we have more fun than writing so why race right rewind about two hundred years and headback into the eighteen fifties or mid-nineteenth century there was a hugefocus on puritanical literature in america let's talk about the usa for amoment and then move on to other writers but in the usu had authors like hermanmelville i hope you've all heard of him

he wrote moby dick famously and verybipolar or rather it's a it's a polarizing book some of us love it tellus he added it's way too long for some people it's just right for other peoplei personally love it i had an excellent professor teach me the book and hereally found a way to bring the book to life it is a very lively book and whatmedal was doing with this book was revolutionary he was trying to move awayfrom the american focus like i said an emphasis and religious cultural core ofbeing a puritan because at that time you had had two hundred years about ahundred years worth of you who moved to the united states from the uk seeing awhole bunch of other things i'm coming

to the usa to start something brand newto start their own culture their own fabric and we have living and that meantbeing deeply religious deeply sentimental meaning of berry farmpuritanical base and offers such as melville and emersonand thoreau land hawthorne and these are all names that i can put down in adocument and share with you all after this talk authors like them said there'smore to life than living in fear of god and trying to live this most purepuritanical life need to explore nature we need to celebrate what it means to bealive and be present today and so you can imagine this was a hundred yearsbefore that he peed on a hundred years

of forestry love and the beatles and allof that but these guys are trying to say let's explore what's happening around uswhat we see and experience of our five senses and melville sat down and wrotemoby dick i hear old moby dick it is said in of seniors he was possessed by somethingthat kept him in his attic day-in and day-out writing and writing he didn'tknow whether to overcome he had never written before he had no background inwriting he didn't have a master's degree in creative writing didn't have a phd inwriting or literature of any kind of anything he was attracted to fiction andto the world of literature through

shakespeare and famously copied out playafter play by shakespeare just to feel the rhythm and fuel the language in hisown hand in his bowl and here is mine and then say what can i do with thismusic what can i do with it energy i'll take 900 pages of moby dick which nobodyread nor was it shouldn't reading you always interested in picking up intrying to understand and i get famously moby dick dedicates the book hawthorne who was like i said one of hiscontemporaries and someone else was also trying to explore literature and writingan expression and identity through non-political non-profit onward termsand i'm sorry i melville said this book

is for probably the only person i don'tunderstand what i'm doing and yet melville had to write this book have towrite this massive monstrosity of a book about a madman this book if you haven'tread it is about a madman seeking closure at some level that was whatmelville is trying to do and now a hundred and fifty years later everyone in new york city i live carriesa tote bag that says moby dick on it everyone has the book in their head willbe dick is a cool is going to have either red or not read because you hateit or read because you loved it but everyone knows the book when i wrote itno one bought it it went out of print

and he's not the first officer to havebeen published years after the fact and only then beenrecognized order of wine a significant rise in literature while having not asingle book in print another example is william faulkner famous american authorwho when he won the nobel prize do not have a single book in print because noone really wasn't no one likes of course after he won the nobel prize he becamefamous and now we all read him or some of us freedom and enjoy him but thepoint is art literature expression and just how our culture was receiving it have never really being steamed up it'salways been one happening after the

other and what the power fiction does itexist and an echo and vibrate and resonate as time passes so that even ahundred years later we can pick up a book and say what melville was talkingabout in the 1850 the something i can relate to today and the 2015 what iwrite today in 2015 will be something that someone else might relate to in2150 so who knows there's always this wonderful sense of connectivity ofcompletely invisible and completely not anticipated because creativity can goanywhere and it can manifest in so many different ways i'm from millville itmanifested in this particular book as a crazy journey into the ocean and just asa quick summary of moby dick which is

challenging to do in when the book and ahundred words but since we just talked about a six word story very quickly thebook is about captain of a ship called the peak quad captain captain ahabcaptain ahab has been feeling the oceans for years and years and one fine day andcultures a white whale called moby dick who attacks ship and manages tobasically get captain ahab the leg often now captain is a peg leg pirate withabsolutely incensed at this way of having brought him and his crew while they wereof course biting him in order to extract oil and kill him and extracted oil orhis fat i'm fat for weeks and while i am

at the time we do not have electricity idon't have his sworn that he's going to go out and find this whale in the oceansand kill the guy and that is what about now i want to take us to just theopening lines of the story not right now rated by captain ahab butby another young boy who just happens to end up on the ship as a little shorterdec boy who slobs today does all the little chores so let us just moved hereand i'm gonna read it out loud when you look at it for a moment and then onceagain i ask you to do something with it so again i hope that you will ok so nowall looking at a passage and this is page 1 of moby dick if the first line itis the first page whenever i find myself

going green about the mouse whenever itis the damn drizzly november in my soul whenever i find myself involuntarilypausing before up costing warehouses and bringing up the rear of every funeral imeet and especially whenever my hype lows get such an upper hand of me thatit requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately steppinginto the street and the thought of me knocking people's heads off then iaccount it high time to get to see as soon as i can so just take a moment andlook at the words on this in this passage in on this page look at thenumber of times we see the word whenever whenever this happens whenever thathappens whenever this other thing

happens whenever that happens i need toget out of here i had a run and hit the ocean and just sleep all of these thingsthat make me grow grim about my mouse whenever it's whatever i'm feelingrestless and blue or as of course melville writes it i feel a damp drizzlynovember in my own salt when everything was great and murky wheni find that there is death surrounding me i'm bringing up the rear of everyshooter i mean look at this sort of morbid passage here and you know we seethe emotional content that this narrator is experiencing he says when i'm feelingall of these horrible feelings what does it make you want to do is make sure toget out into the street and hurt people

you know methodically not people's hot saucedelivery step into the street potentially in the way of traffic andget hit you know when i can but when when i can't take it no longer to getthe f outta here doesn't say ask because the team just use and they were sloppyreturns who feared god but you get pretty close to saying in a starterlanguages he can i need to sleep and what we immediately get from thispassage apart from the beautiful language which someone like me whoenjoys literature section of course is just a track the two because of the ofthe beauty of the portrait language we

get a second repetition we get from thatrepetition this desperation is earnestness by this narrator to see guyswhen life gets too hard there is a way out and if not what youthink it is it's not just to say i can't do anymore and you give up no you get tosee you soon as you can because the sea is a whole other world a whole otheruniverse which then the book goes on to meditate on for chapter after chapterafter chapter i want to get me like i was saying melville was trying to moveaway from living a life that existed solely because god our creator have putit together the same let the left appreciate nature in the real world forwhat it is let us meditate upon the

steelers meditate upon the land and heas a result rights is nine hundred page old to what the ocean is i'm so what iwant you guys to do know is think about motivation what does it mean to be somotivated that you write something or that you even read something that youlook up a book that it is all about a topic that you love and you love thatbook and you enjoy that experience of reading it because the motivation of the character of thenarrator is so clear the fact that this character page 1 says tu hi guys it'snice to meet you let's go let's go run back-to-back wegotta go i'm feeling good about them out

i'm gonna go beat people up on thestreet i'm feeling violent i'm feeling restless lead off the top and he starteddragging you buy your ear by a caller buyer had whatever view he can reach herby the way he's a young boy you learn this as you go but he's not so old manyou know this is not all man in the sea this is a young boy in the sea and he'snot gonna back in armchairs the guard is not saying let me tell you know he saidwe gotta go gotta go you gotta go so he could i motivation and i want you towrite just a simple sentence i want to begin whenever i doing then i somethingit can be as basic as whenever i feel hungry i took myself something deliciousok make it more exciting than something

delicious that's bad writing but i wantyou to think about just what it means to say this is a cause of this is an effectcause-and-effect have ruled they rule history they rule all sort of all of ourlaws of nature are governed by cause-and-effect it influences addictionto an end this boy says in this story in the universe of this book the rules ofthis university that when this boy fields blue crabs so take a minutewhenever i something then i something i'm gonna show you the passage you getso you can read it one more time and again we're gonna take just a minute buti want you guys to think about what this passage is doing and why it's gonna makeyou want to turn the page we already

have a sense of this character'srestless and i need the anxious so what are you gonna do you do that thing thatyou're going to do so ok hopefully you put something down even if you just start to put somethingdown or you wrote the word whenever i applaud you the first word is thehardest words like mortal bodies here and it gets easier as you go and like isaid im gonna keep bugging you to write it down because you'll be surprised whenyou look back and you say oh i was actually pretty cool idea that i havethat word i i haven't thought about that word or written that kind of senator along time who knows what i can do with

this idea who knows where this came fromwhat was in my subconscious why am i might reflecting on this particularattitude why am diction the power section is to make you do that it'smaking me dig deep even realizing that you're digging deep that's the beauty ofaffection and the beauty or the appeal of saying reading i'm off to the beach and grabpeople back grab some piece of pulp fiction and and read it and relax butthen really what you're doing is you're entering an entire universe you'reentering the brain of someone else not only that characters brain but theauthors brain who created the characters

grain and you are taking this verycomplicated psychological journey that we never think about that we take forgranted because we're so used to it so if you stop and think what you just didwhen you wrote that line down we'll figure out who i am what drives me whatmotivates why why do i could be delicious something when i'm hungry whatdoes that have to do with how i was raised in the kind of food i rememberthat i like what does it have to do with what my mother or father or what mygrandmother would i didn't have any other boarding school i hated the foodand you know what i never could i go out meet i don't know what his motivationwhat did he say about who you are and

more importantly when was the last timeyou thought about any of these things and if you didn't have more be dick onpage 16 you think about these things and already the book has done it alreadytaking you that much closer to answering it deep psychological biochemicalquestion about you are where you fit in this world and i don't know if i wantback on the other side for every time that a book or a line ofstory when do i feel like all damn bruce lee november in my soul then we'll bethere is one that has one and even if she is suffering people that actuallybought and read his book well now we can and we can make it up tohim later ok so i'm gonna move to our

next offer and talk about him for acouple of minutes heard of vladimir number of the russianauthor who wrote was famously lolita but has also written a number of other booksand essays about writing and lectured and taught literature at cornelluniversity in the seventies sixties but prior to that you know he grew up inrussia he was part of a very wealthy family that was they they had a hugeestate they had farm he was a b2b teen about to clean a massive inheritance tohis family and live a life of comfort luxury and status and 1899 1900 and thenwas when he was born i'm sorry and the 1917 if you know what happened thebolsheviks resulted in all the sudden

there was no escape there was nolordships royalty and mister of himself out on the streets with no home noproperty no money no nothing he had already been writing and enjoyed writingbut also enjoy the pleasures of life enjoyed going up with several tutors andnannies and playing with his brother and running around and just enjoying life butterflies in nature dreamy kid and hisdreamy kid was exiled to friends family and lived there for some time got married and then let again or twoand this time fled to the us- where he settled and live for the rest of hiswell settled in with her sometime before

retiring finally in switzerland therenow with with double from the moment that he left russia at 18 against hiswill he never owned a home after that helived in paris in a rented apartment you then when he moved to the usb otg atcornell yet faculty housing for a while and stay on the couches and in the homesand on the hospitality a friend when he finally retired he lives in a hotel you never once again on the whole neverfelt like he had a if you can imagine me exiled ed team right on the cusp andthen having to find your way back slowly slowly in your old way not only is thissomething that must have a lot of time

for number off the handle and deal withand get used to it also would drop we might have heard before how many stories are familiar with atimeline on the mahabharat about how many new or boys who less then had to gofind themselves and along the way picked up powers could be star wars it could bea potter it could be a number of different stories and we plan on doingbefore i am so famously the book i wrote a bunch of books one of them of courseis lolita that you may have heard about whether you have read it what you thinkof you haven't i recommend it it's a disturbing unsettling we're booked itabout

well it's not a number of thingsincluding and immoral fueling the defection storeswho likes girls have to say like little girls and you tell us over the course ofwork just like he did in this little girl named lolita and i mean can youimagine book has been written a book like this published well no one could have thetime in fact lead wife's book published you wrote it he was about to throw it into the flameslike a number of things and also want to read it but in fact a french publisherwill not press that basically published

pornographic content so that they willpick it up and around a few pages here in there and eventually it obviouslyhigh school and college curricula well-respected book has a piece of artand i want us to look at it for a minute because i want to see just what thecharacter of lolita was to our narrator and so once again we're going to look atpage 1 i'm just look how he describes the girl who takes up arrested so longto light of my life fire of my loins life in my soul leader the tip of thetime taking a trip to tack on the teeth low we she was low laying low in the morning standing for310 in one sock he was lola in snack

slack she was daughter she was deloreson the dotted line but in my arms she was always goes on but we're gonna stopright there just so we can focus on the fact that this character the leader inthe course of the first two or three sentences of this story has 1234 meansi'm so i want you very quickly right now make up the character of acharacter you the name of someone you know your your friend your teacher and iwant to give this character three nicknames immediately they can sound abit like these ones that they all sound similar they all come from from the nameor the fact that you know you call your friend read because i don't know theylike the color red or they have red hair

or they wants fell over and i don't knowbut i character and three names ok this one just names but already in the firstthree lines are for land of these this passage of this first lead of the firstchapter of the book about a girl who were much much older man takes from herhome with with concerned and then spend the next two months living with sleepingwith you learn so she's tourists that that's a given in dolores dignified meanin slacks ok so nickname has a certain musicality to it she's dolly at school with her friendsare you know you thin young missing that

word she is just plain well in themorning when you get off to school alone hurry up you know you you might have afriend that your nickname i get even shorter when he rushed for time but tohim he's none of these something much more beautiful much morewhimsical much more feminine lolita it's not just a word that you say a wordthat you take a trip of three steps down the time to recite it that chance it ihim it's something devotional it something highly creepy laura commendedyou guys come up with a nickname that got lying around but what does it meanfor a young girl to have all these acronyms mean that your friend is calledat school and roll at home and then i

don't know something crash by you whatdo all these different things about a person gets to the question of who i ami famously in what we did call me ishmael how the whole book begins because it'sso beguiling call me ishmael why should i call you anything is your nameactually i mean is it not the way you say it may not be your name and i don'tknow if i trust you and i don't trust you i should i name what it say aboutthe guy who made up the name well tells us that he's crazy about her and we'dreally be years and was gonna say in how is now describing

why he had to have his own name coreyhad to possessor disaster and he doesn't see any of thatin the first line he doesn't think i need you just as i called her this washow might i will drown in my mouth how it hit my teeth how i did thesesyllables how i gave it life creepy but again the power fiction isthat beautiful lyrical way you get the hint of who and character is who thenarrators and who this girl is because of all the names you think about all thethings you call your teachers and school or youth leaders you know they were mrsor mr something so there were so many other things which god at theirpersonalities and you can get pretty you

understand them you can connect withthem you can get through to them you try to send all the other barriers of whatmakes an identity someone named our future lol background ethnicity yourabilities this is something else about who theyare and we can all come out of just how you say your mother's name how you saythe word mom when you're angry when your upset when you're happy when you're madit can convey so much great just think about how noble cause of does this withthis character and i i bring up a little story about never finding a hole becausethis book to a long time before it found a home now it has a home in many homeson the bookshelves of many many many

millions of people buy some ideas startwithout a home journey start without an employer evenwithout an origin but you don't see myself without knowing where you'regoing and yeah they're hit the sea goal go start the story takes you may findthe moby dick kind of you may need a little girl you may not but whatever itis that you're doing just the people around you and whetheryou call them know what about you are what your mood is how you can act ok i'mgoing to keep things the net after i want to bring up briefly a the womannamed nadine gordimer nadine gordimer won the nobel prize in 1991 jesusoutside the white woman from south

africa and grew up with her entire lifethere was an introvert love to read reddit time when abroad to schoolingcame back in the shop the state of affairs in south africa and wrote a bookcalled the burgers daughter which was it's about an activist family and thedaughter and this was a 1979 while mandela is in prison but they mostlymandela in jail because of all of the anti apartheid and then write a letterand might send it back to young it was amazing thank you i hope we can talk andmeet some day and after his release he became friends and she followed himaround while she once when he was president and they had a very solidpolitical activist partnership gordimer

her husband hosted mandela several timeswhen mandela a nobel prize he took with him and other people but let us look atjust the beginning of how she begins the burgers daughter very quick exerciseyear ago so this is the opening of the burgers are among the group of peoplewaiting at the fortress was a schoolgirl in a brown and yellow uniform holding agreen eyed down quilt and neck a red hot water bottle certain buses used to power that way then and passengers looking atall the noticed a schoolgirl imagine a schoolgirl she must have somebody insidewho are all those people anyway even from the top of a bus lurking on path ofthe lights cool green the group would

not have looked like the usual prisonvisitor positive and self-effacing about the slope of you of municipal grass ok so what is goingon here where are we what's interesting about this who isthis i want to look at two things i want you to look at words of keeping repeated or a type ofwork that's being repeated perhaps you notice that the word schoolgirl shows upseveral times i'm not going to tell you that ethnicity or color of the schoolgirl by the way to be demeaning schoolgirl schoolgirl and where they'llwinning all waiting outside of a prison

for all those people anyway who are allthese people waiting we've gotten off a bus waiting at this fortress perhaps togo talk to people who are in this present were really come out of thepresent having spoken and metric tons of a usual prison look like well they lookto this author and self of faith on the grass what kind of public money not by thepeople inside of this prison reaping the benefits of this municipal grass grassbeing made and cared for by the musicality who needs to be in controlwho needs to drugs and why we never see the color black in this message you seeall your other colors you see a red hot

water bottle we see brown and yellowuniform we see the lights going green is the color photograph very wellmaintained look at all these colors look at thisbus lurching passed as white gold green color black but it certainly seems to bestaring us in the face interesting i would think and what iwant you guys to do i want you guys to just describe something look atsomething fun to do whatever it is i want you describe it as usual with colorit might even only look to your right now is being one color but is it reallywant color color spectrum is a black is really blackwell what kind of shinyblack if you look in your iphone screen

like i am right now it's not just blackit contains within the shadows of other things or the reflection of things it'sfaded at places it stripped so look at your hand your hand as many colors itsmany contours and it's not flat so describe it to go take a minute and wedescribe it in front of you and you described it oreven down maybe you notice that in fact the yellow bag in front of yellowthere's little bit of brown blended into their or other colors whites oranges orthat some of the color is faded some of the color is free the fabric what kind of fabric nevernoticed the color or the the texture of

the fabric the contours the shape infront of you the way that this girl's uniform is brown and yellow and ok it'snever described as being dollar faded but that red water bottle or that hotwater bottle is bred a red teens much more fierce and much more powerful thanthis brown and yellow she seems dollars in front of this fortress he seems smallhe's just a schoolgirl and like i said we have this rainbow colors what is itall adding up to what when you put all comes together quite but if you or thecompany might if you if you were together they'd make the sparkly blackdisgusting and we have rainbow here missing you perhaps key colors so partof the boredom as not only in the world

is a book by her called the pickup whichi highly recommend to all of you she she touched people that you talked to themabout was banned now banned books as a whole separate story on forever and justbooks would be a whole story in and of themselves but when the book is bad butanything bad always work and the band into a prison for mandela the one personprobably need to read this book and she writes in later his reaction her bookwas one of the most empathetic and perhaps unsurprising thatwas mandela's or stick was that he emphasized the understood and he wantedto find a way to make things work and so efficient can do that if you can findits way into the prison then it's doing

something that the laws of the universeperhaps decide i want to close with just one final offer and then yes so we wetouched the ball on a school girl you know we've looked at some young narratorcharacters earlier i want to think about what children's books and sort of theirevolution and salman rushdie salman rushdie of course we all know him he hadthe football against and he has lived a wild and crazy life and part of hisstory is that you know he wrote these stories based on midnights childrenright which 1981 melville you know we went into a book called was writing inthe nineteen sixties or do we moved into tomorrow who's the book we talked aboutwas acting 79 now we have roughly this

is nineteen eighty-one jordan has beenpublished and i want us to just look at the voice of this writer really quicklythis is again the opening lines of the book and you can see you tell mesilently obviously i was just telepathically know what you're sayinglike i was born in the city of bombay once upon a time no that won't dothere's no getting away from the date i was born in dr gardner seeing all onaugust 15 1947 and the time but i matters too well then at night know it's important to be more on thestroke of midnight as a matter of fact clock had joined palms and respectfulgreeting as i can you picture that clock

exactly midnight when it happened in ourhand are pulled it together as he describes it asa good thing i must be out pops his kids who is the main character for the restof the book this is a little kid writing this about a time when he was young mydaughter when he thinks the narrator is but we're going this way you can you canyou think about what you sound like sounded like when you were younger or ifyou have younger siblings or cousins nieces and nephews what they found my brother talking toyou i wanna do this i want to know what color they don't stop a lot ofelliptical sentences and no pauses for

breath no comas likely someone or sheknows how to punctuate so that's good you can take a breath while we read himbut like i said based on experience but also try to deliberate but he questionedand books and as a result you know people million this book came out 1981and one prize and it was what put him on the map because i don't offer that didhe wrote eight years later in 1988 and got him caught i wonder if it comesfirst before midnight children and noticed the book and one will ever know his history isthe way it is but he not only you know these books ebooks and having to liveaway from it away from his family and

live in exile and go into hiding hischildren or his side his first and only here in there and then have a secondquarter when he was much older and want it in which you know i need for a bitand when he was going through the initial phase of your books for hiswanted them to him and not wait until they could read the next children aresatanic verses or all of adult fiction three books that were for them and sowonderfully wrote a book called haroun and the sea of stories for his firstbook of life for his second and the beautiful books touch on between father and son and thefirst it's beautiful it's about a little

boy who has to solve all these riddlesand puzzles to rescue his father and find his father because followssituation and second book similarly demand and suffering a member of the boyhas to get through all these weirdos in word problems and it very much embodiesthe relationship writer might have with his son and so let's look at thispassage very quickly just to see how he plays with words and given the languageto each other with also readers there was one in the city of kahaani those ofyou who you know what that means in the land of at least be again i've gone bemany aspects of the boy named luca who had two putts bear named dog a dog namedbear which meant that whenever he called

out dog bear water and whenever you shouted bear dog bondedso right away in connection between father and son what kinda mean that heknows what the story is going to be about some other writers and readersomeone in the usi wanted in sweden may not know what it might just be a sweetname but as the story goes on perhaps the meaning of the word becomes moreapparent as we know you will find out if you is very good at putting words invarious languages and making of meeting the parents readers because i think anenglish all the time wide

other words in here that need beautifulpowerful figure it out children especially they don't theydon't follow him on 0421 traditions for them all words can work in a singlesentence all colors work in a single outfit all foods work in a singleworking a single birthday party right they don't see colors and boundary ofthe way that you can do the same as you play with fiction and nonfiction tocreate this magical world while keeping it so what i want is not what i do wantto just very quickly show you how children or just evolved from being ableto bring it back to the sort of early animal back the 17th century adults feltlike other places they had to become

good adults good god-fearing jesus godloving individuals so they had to read the bible the bible said how did you dothat you provide the bible but you'd given birth from the bible for them toread and memorize and those of you who've grown up in hindu households oreven been given text that you have to read memorized jewish households anyanyhow first now there is ingrained in yourhead certain players you have to learncertain moral as you were taught and sold it for us was moralistic this was away to reach out to be a record how to grow up to be good people what does itmean to be a good person

many authors would would argue that tobe a good person doesn't mean that you have to follow certain rules and ritesand rituals beat generation america was that sells alot of indian authors now saying let's explore all kinds of literature and getback into the you know that in these new modern ways so that we can get thesecharacters work but let our children experience so i got a little bit but itstarted by being very moralistic message driven and then evolved into a fairytalealso have morals but more needs more elaborate get to feel what thesecharacters are like from evil stepmothers 22 running away from home togo do crazy things

paranoia benchers stepping into wardrobeindicating like narnia calif will be trying to her way into alice inwonderland underline to embrace an imagination and ratherthan just be told you know if you don't eat your being there if you don't wantyour parents a big be more pop out of the trees are you going to cats indeedand riddles with strange creature and win or lose in the end then move intothis powered genre of heroes batman and man i mean now these are all moviesstory once again but their coverage that they love to be the day you know wantedto live their life around you know what these characters relate as superheroesembracing this whole new other side of

them and read more from is very kind ofextreme or exaggerated version of super heroes two kids with super powers whoare also regular kids like harry potter like 14 characters who in fact are sorealistic that they are not only characters for kids to love and enjoytheir other characters for adults love and enjoy and we reached a point nowwhere a book like can be on a new york times bestseller fiction for generally literature to beknown as for inspection coming out of two hundred years of books or twohundred years where children were not

seen or heard and books or not to becelebrated jumping in today we have books that adults wrestle with andwonder about and then go on to write fanfiction about which is why we havebooks like which perhaps you all have opinions on i certainly do i enjoyedthem i'm gonna confess i read the books i like what i like i like 10 quiteterrible but one that came out of time fiction out of someone's i really lovethis book about these vampires like it right story about it and continue this feelingthat i'm feeling i'm not feel good about the mouth i'm back at sea

i'm experiencing i'm using my continuethis momentum and energy started for me creators ago or years ago when theywrote that first book writing about nature and now here i am writing youknow on a blog somewhere about vampires and finding followers and people who wecan and because you always connecting fine covers identities are always ofdiscovering only does and characters who are able to look back and reflect upon atime when the country became independent or about as someone who had to leavehome at age 18 writing in russian and then moved to france and only in french one of the few authors in the world whohad his own work unlike most other

authors and butterflies industry timebecause that's what he liked to do so writers are crazy maybe into the hearingme here to sort of talk about this for a little while you might feel the same wayabout me i would i would argue that and i will leave you with a final thoughtthat take the little take that motivation then i y look atthe other passengers about voice about that you know cantankerous little boywas born while after tell you it's kind of like let me see it was bragging andreflecting a lot take those lines together so you can put somethingtogether so you can write a paragraph and then see you can write appeared inand you can write a story about

something that maybe you never eventhought about writing about this sort of emerged out of whatever you put down andthen shared and joined the ocean or you will have you will enter the ocean offiction join this energy of creative of creating and creativity and perhapsit'll make word women and i think is that much easier and much more fun towrite because now you know where your energy and excitement comes from i meantfor this to be shorter i'm sorry became longer i will end it here so if you havequestions about region iv please go to our website click around if you havequestions for people who are a great idea for the entire team to help youwith whatever it is you're working on

please contact us at health.com and wecan't wait to hear from you we will be sharing this lecture and follow up stuffon the internet you can ask us where to find it and i'm gonna find out now sothat you hear in my voice once again thank you all so much for listening tothese you know i v i'm a counselor there and i wasthrilled to be able to share ideas and passengers with you today so have agreat rest of your day and week

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