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Financial Statements For Consulting Firms

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so good afternoon and welcome to thewebinar on how analyst terms can benefit from the analyst value survey my name's duncanchapple i am managing director at kea company i'm gonna be stepping through sincelines today i've put together with my colleague inscotland culturally in congress today but he not been working on yemen's thesurvey ok last few months what we want to do was firstly stepthrough some of the findings so way and and

and and give our in you know what thesemean what we're learning about the analystindustry in the way that things are working out what not what you know of adifferent routes terms stalking talking to after that i want to talk about to services that heand his has developed these two ways we've the we found that were able to help ifyou enlist times to benefit from the from theinside we got together in the methodology that we develop

williams from the survey and we'reinterested in speaking to lease analyst hans about the city we since first people whothink you might be comments to this you know what we think that works inside you might be interested in getting butsecondly you're also expo researchers and you know weshouldn't miss something people mistook contribute i recall inthe concessions to a halt to its to hostels and what we can do to better should the services so that they areable to meet the needs that

organizations like yours more more actually and in 30 we're gonna have sometime to open up the cool for questions so themoment everybody is muted bar up to i'm coasted through the slides i'mgoing to woke up to a tropical and people willask questions should also say that we are recordingthe cool people whose not been able to attend ifyou don't want to you know when you're goingto get them

and own and and then when you type yourquestion say this in the lesson and then i'll unusual name when i speak throughit a view don't want to be identified by 09name if you ask the question that i look andand and don't get and if you prefer you can just ask line so let's step through the stopsystem through the the material and i thinkwhat we want to do really is start with them start with one of the things that really surprisedus the most trauma

from the survey which was then somesmall terms have a low profile in the market so people who are all his cool i'll probably lookthrough their the slides from the analyst on the survey which freely available on on slideshare dotnet a satin that he is almost certainabsolutely use the slights so far among the thingsthat didn't surprise course was that the analyst homes tantoin our survey in the sense that these are the timesthat most people commented on

were woebegone in force tonight bc thats completely on surprising you willbe shocking if there was anything else but then it seems the least and it seesa smaller firms hfs research and you can fit it into thetop 10 as you can see it we started to see some small firms which were able to get low-profile inthe in the survey and as we so in the in the next we puttogether were able to deliver a little value to to clients who to your clients monthsago competitors

people who responded to a survey just toremind you about about the participants in the survey wehad i think 352 participants in in the survey this year i'm wrong i was funny survey every yearsince 2000 and spot and and it's the only valueit's the only survey all its tight in the surveylooking twin studies specifically it's the only survey about the analystindustry that serving analyst uses which you you know which is which is publicly known about you knowthat maybe some unknown track at that we

don't know that certain this is the only study that's tight that we know becauseit will see me because it's a long eagle study you know sleep in doing this regularlymore or less the same questions as the years go by we get more and morex small suggestions from a so how we canimprove the methodologies through moral questions every year butthe cruelest surveys has been seen since 2000 and theparticipants in people who interact with analysts and analystsoutputs in

in different ways you may need the mosthelp them directly interact with that lists some with them readresearch from analysts and others are are in an ecosystem where they meetpeople who i'm talking about muslims are influenced by muslims very small number of people came to asurvey did none of these things and the survey noted route to thosepeople straight into the survey seem to a final thing where they werebut two missiles and in terms of location

okc enim most the canteen here in europe but if not most of the participants inthe survey were were in the americas wheel with a large chunk here in europein the middle east and then a substantial layer also in nash said and did key question in the survey wills which services are you consuming from hammerstein's and how far do you valuethem

and i think it's with leading the statorup for a little while because what the survey showdowns unsurprisingly was that your customers radio man you research and that's that'scompletely unsurprising research services a really really popular research is what is used goal was veryinteresting with anna numbers people who rated other kinds of services fromanalyst firms very highly because if you think a bitlarger most firms car

i dc postcards and so on you know 3 they were wrong most at the services %uh fairly well you know i d c equals has aas a massive events business donna is definitely the leaderwhen it comes to inquiry firms intc does extremely wellwith with reprint rights: forster gartner both came across verystrong in our survey as providers 0 if i sry stretchy days ithink she forced her slightly over to ghana under you missed my memory true fortstrategy

months today's and ming hit communitiesperhaps the least 100 a month that the services wellas he was on with force has a usually ship the age thing dame four rounds looking at this study was actually unsurprisingly researchdirector a very far at but rather surprisingly when you look atthese other all i is on also quite highly desired also quite highly a and and what we'd seen working with itscustomers i'm so its laurels

times is the key they are not getting makes rights between between these twofirm services and that means that they're notenriching the relationship with clients in the waythat they could do if they were providing a wide range of these these entities all pottery you know obviously not everyorganization kawanzaa community cancel trip acommunity somebody else you can do that no every organization to get into thedistance sentry gun rights

it's really easy to find somebody willcall you and say recruits you its really really harder as i knowfrom from my time know them really hard to the assistancebusiness read something open oni only was able tobe successfully when it when it builds the most itsrelationship with its its cousins certain people with a common media days possible to partnerships to buildsuccessful events this so in compositions that we'dthunderstorms what we've seen is generally many organizations on all

understanding how strong the demand isfor these are the kinds of services from irealsms an awesome organizations are not reallythinking creatively now about what they can do 22 by yourpartner or build in order to deliver these are servicesto which the time relationships in the in the survey we asked about bees six different kinds all services an agency we ask people to ratethem whether they were very low lowmedium-high

who very high in in value andy what's extremely interesting is a if you lookat which have the services r-rated as being and medium-haul youvery high always all the services on-scene as being bounty online three courses also 72 cents author of for ok on since the survey lady sings in medium high or very high services and that's a real surprise because ifyou look at well analyst firms are

actually delivering you fall he worked on 76 cents forexample a-bands times are delivering in communities or cool series against businesses or haveeaten girl attend a formal were close to supportinquiry cools messy the case with with firmsthat you know that the kinda well over amillion dollar mark in ready now all these are the most tangible servicesthat we asked about how

in in the understanding survey whatyou'll also seen is that we also have a whole series lesstangible factors and many of these less tangible actorswho also huge drives about you that we we asked i'm we asked uses an analyst research which firms we're delivering theservices with the highest value we found theperception high-value in the service was correlated with thenumber intangible things including and the moms independence

know how independent its findings aretrauma its commercial relationships you know that is clearly a veryimportant thing in the eyes not only vance's people whowere keen in and around the amherst industry evenhe uses they understand very strongly theenduring value ok being seen as being independentchrome from commercial relationships we've alsoseen strong correlations in the data betweenother less tangible taxes such as the seed influence

i was happy on different on differentcommunities alliance so what we've seen is that people can isay shins are delivering the services after she well bob if they are received is being independent perceivedas being influential and uses actually see these as being more valuable than they would otherwisedo you sensor fascinating thing that you cansee that the impact the money that handles firms haveis really combination all something which is verytangible

and that is the strength of service thatis delivering across these 6 lines business but then is also multiplied by by the reputational for any particular by its seedindependence and its perceived insurance those in the history amongst the keyfindings you there in there in the survey move on in littlebit in a little while to to step through ian's light switch talkabout how the solutions that we propose in 20firms who it would get in touch with us

not many personal few are getting in touch with us todiscuss what we can do schools to see if there are anyquestions about the survey itself the big 12 type into the trackball not knowing itwas for too long because somehow the people my no through the slidesalready very diligently review those two justtake my word are questions and the snow i wanna remove home

little bit further in the dec just totalk about the two solutions that he must work together it so it's really unfortunate incomebeyond the cool he's a barry skillful scottish guy who won't beworking with school for a couple years and he's a p.m. sorry there was aquestion that i should just move back to about reprints rights and are you could write simple to enduses those offenders and absolutely the the the answer tothat is is actually a little bit surprisingprimarily

the repair answerable to vendorsfinancially some people who run the end-user side also respondents say that that theyvalue repins to cause atlantic search for free consulate things that wepicked up in in some quality work as well that we'veseen that the the the impact ok recruits is usuallydone on and uses especially in the kindamid-market and so sector that all people who all there are people who were who were notsubscribing to the phones

and all not really in a situation wherethey where they can justify okcupid supportedby research services i'm another question about thedemographic of the ok us months a.m. you know we don't havethat mean we have their names and addresses and blossomed from read the terms andbut we happened we have done a demographicstudy of them accepts the we have dater which is thatin the charts own slideshow com that shows their research interests andhow the research interests breakdown

across different topics and also weasked to say whether their work in the public sector and the private sector all working for vendors stairwell around20 percent up this incident on consoles working forand with firms and there was also a wonderful that youwon't be surprised to see that we removed their opinions from the from thefrom the results that we could be published when things that we are doing in customstudies is cleansing that information aboutabout demographics and

she because we have 350 people actuallywouldn't be that hard to go through you know her artists getting a managethe dresses will be quite easy to follow survey inorder to close to that date sounds so that wecould do no assistance until such as you organizations well it would seem to bethe most of these people working with any large organization but open you the the you there were no other those the two quickquestions thank you so much in place to knowing her to the people said tocontribute questions as well as we go

through i'm gonna taken simple also and then i'mgonna move on to talk about and compactmetrics which is the first part of the solution insult to the press up so ian is an a social and and market researcher who's been working for to 20 times years also developing them social and market research for

large organizations principally herehere in europe i worked with him at lower house whichwas a marketing services firm with a strongmarket research offer ii was employer until the end 2012 and since then we want because he wasfamiliar with the understands that i but since then evens takenresponsibility full a little the conceited analysis all thedata chrome the communists on the survey many students who offers the twist onthings to to

and was terms down she's starting todeliver in would too to help organizations toleverage the results from the data work that's it i should say one thing soleus now the nation obamasurvey is that you know ste 350 ci able sounds like a law but really it'snot a huge on it so huge number of responses in thegrand in the grand scheme of things in the data that we charted in the andsome index which is honoring king thought the largest homeless terms weintroduce a combo

up around forty fives so 40 responsescommenting on the phone first included in the analysis butusually mention there is an extremely long table thenumber of films that respondents to the survey said they were aware 0 wassurprisingly high and that indicates to me that we had alittle expert users who were who who were taking are and inthis study and that these were people who were youknow real real may even see the shopped around the industry and manypeople working in the indian market searchers roles

one of the possibilities that we haveimg are: in the dates is to build up the a strong predictive model simply to say you knowwhat that would be observable factors you know taxes that we look toin this study which at least one strongly correlatedwith perceptions a very high mile so we've built our a tool which allowsus to show how your company stacks up against which appears in the survey thatare interesting to you and then we're able to use the analysisthat we've done by running this

basically a regression model on the data to wait the different services basicshowing how far quality in various actually its variousservices is committed with with we feeling good about analysts understanding that someis delivering high-value we could use a simple daschle that compares usual competitors shows areason relative strength and weakness so we've been looking at things liketornado analysis to see ways that we can show in agraphical way

that even your even your colleagues canunderstand new book compared to benefit its tostrengthening one estate 21 service area so that mightmean that the bottleneck to you fromdeveloping more value might be when these tangible actors likethat you need to maybe events just seems to be abottleneck well maybe not happy experience inquires this or he might be that the bottleneck is in some moviesmall relational reputational issues

like independence like like influence well the so this benchmark aims to do is very quickly and inexpensively usethe day to the survey in also to show water bottling kids what are the 10 to prioritise the youshould focus on if you want to improved the value thatyou are deliveries constant all seed indelivering to klein's causes some smaller organizations youand we might share some anxiety about how the socal signs and in thatcase it's very easy for us to

did coolly survey to to large group of people maybe peoplewho who the google permissions receiveservice from you very easy for us to custom text and data he knows it went more information andstrengthen the base but still we would do is preventing thispresented in this very simple a national which gives some prettystrong management information and is really apowerful tool for organizations have a strong i asked action

because not every amazon does have astrong bias full correction that's part of the reason why in is alsodeveloped a second service which is a much morequalitative to so the comparative service diagnostic is a series i'll qualitative interviews ideally don't face to faceroutes to and at work around the world but also dumb dom through through videoconferencing when we on speaking to

to sum up your customers and so yourcompetitors customers and potential customers and now their experiences at thedifferent services that they are using which lisa moore connected on which ofthese are less affected trinkets inside about how you and day call contrasted how how people you're trying to sell tor-value 81 really feeling about you so we do this using up quietly extensive database about what use isthat we built up over the past

term 13 her years and that gives oz much stronger morequalitative idea about how should be in housing use services so my pretty straight forwardto work how which won't to service its uniquerenault's because the question is how she doinghomes okay could be have a good idea if your cellvery often what we find is that there are still issues old and klein understanding

and organizations might struggle withpeople often don't understand what kind experience is lying they have been used their ownorganization as user they don't understand what slanting thenavigate or two altered to gauge or two use in different ways to servicesorganization and if we only intangible level they certainly don't understand the waysin which it's possible to to develop and apply the reputation thatyou have as as an organization

the last thing that's with things thatwe found the silvery effective ways all testing discussing new serviceofferings you having discussions like this this isgiven one of our clients really powerful insight into the way it should be looking and you i'm anguish in methodology that it's beenworking on these clips she's a great who testing so that's what i that's what i want togo through in the in presentation today

i'm going to just calls for a littlewhile and see if there are any questions that it what's happened to the china and then i'm gonna on me the foods i'm using thephone's is always very risky business because somebody might bein a noisy place and it might be impossible if you have gotto mute button on your phone then i suggest you mute your phone nowunless there's something the onto ask otherwise not commute fromcincy for any questions throwing a lonesome alltitles them andthen destroy many questions that i will

wide cool thank you parties so there are no more questions typedinto the chapel i'm gonna on mute and everybody now either so and well i can see that three you have me to your friends that'sreally cool and then find review so it was a little bit about ground waspeace you only fuels will not send cost like sleeves because this is a bit about around myslackware where you are and

so degree questions that he wants tocontinue into the into the conversation any pointscriticisms show you a simple so you may have somepolls looking questions completely auctionmuslim okay answered some questions coming in nowa.m. um no we did not ask questions so onequestion did we have frequency metres from customers didn't ask how often they use a says know that's agreat question to ask something we should be considered endingin when we do the next survey in

september but we didn't ask and that's the kindaquestion that in a custom study we could very easy at in really reallygood question i see something that i did that i shouldsay that is some very often we do we do custom analysisfor clients all time was sons when we're helpingthem to evaluate whether they're spending effectively or not anderson breachingfindings that very often we find is that

damian very small numbers usersrepresent most of the use of an organization when they're using analyst research only so one thing that we've seen easter if an organization is offering a fullrange of services you know it its opening events and community servicesand inquiry cools tendency to use a base is much wider and stronger is a smallsegment with people who was who he is as a person research

and those are often not very powerfulpeople where is the people who tend to be able to community service is thatsince the are you know well that what's in theirorganization and the people who own inquiry cools of intense p decision makers so actuallythe brain all use re in which the relationship because research increasingly looks alittle bit more easily swapped swapped around and and we found that it was a little biteasier organizations to think about how

churning from one analyst go to anothermissoni relationship one service here whether any other now any otherquestions yet we we're hoping for a larger samplesome in fact let me just let me rephrasethat: me to be honest mean 350 people i wouldni would know who works or you know i would call that a groupparticipants right now we the with the with numbers that wehave you know i think there are some veryvery strong findings that which are very useful when we look

hats at the largest organizations around bart's what we did what we did starting to talk to people about what wewould love your feedback on is you know we'll roll should analyst firms play 18 helping us we lost the survey for thenext that's helping us to enlarge the numberof responses to the next survey when the one hand and most times haveabsolutely fantastic databases of people who use the services

on on the other hand you know that maybesome skiing with his you know the sand berms to circulate aquestion a remote in time since question so we definitely weighing up am weighing up options that think outgeneral feeling is the every year we do the survey thesimple grows and it seems extremely unlikely that thesample size will be smaller a suite at the number of respondentswill be will be smaller and but we wayne different techniques and we would reallywelcome suggestions indictments from

previous about what you think would be reallyeffective ways to broaden out the number of respondents in burton study great question thank you for that yeah it would be very to list lines that the questions andwhat are the things that we have in the survey's very long pick list to the topics thatpeople are interested in and that's a command those are acombination of political topics

and horizontal topics and it seemsreasonable for example that if people are interested in if you're in the public sector okaythat's one demographic weeks to see slipped out separately but for exampleif we have people who instantly research manufacturing buses search and finance any seems reasonable to think that theymight be concerned with that professionally so it's possible said mandates a 18 somelimited ways basically if you see an end to variablein the results that are on this launcher

don't miss sites you know that it'spossible for us to come in today train in that way and and the other thingbecause the wii weighing up his third the more questions people in serbia luisponce fritos and and the number response that we lose between the first question in the lastquestion is is it's not pretty hard line but i canwe stop with 350 people the first question remains in the end nothing whenthe blood 280 something my lowest is still a fairnumber you know i were surveys but it could definitelybe

good be better then we have to trade offbetween later release questions thank you so much comes other your questions so you know you are ifyou can i'm yourselves if you want to you to ask questions all who tapped intothe truck bomb in country to be this shown concise as possible so maybethat's why there are no questions i'm gonna i'm gonna probably one of the cool imamoment self-indulgent and to see

and thank you so much the yule your time i'm gonna follow up with each issue %uhjust had another question and apart from research report bryant's any insight into law respondents valuecommunities in stride dennis et cetera well i mean that issome mean i think if we come to go back tothat shot with the with the tables when you concede and you know how farthese things about you i spose whole beans impulse stay somequalitative inside is you know exactly you know willwhat is the value

comes from you know is in the oven youfrom repeat rights offenders is that they're able to use inincludes box but i think it would be very easy to step through each seasons qualitative interviews andsusi exactly what is it that people on youabout the stupid things what's the difference in a valuablestretched your day and one which is less people the people we've seen with with with research is there a big economiesupscale

and i'm in a salon supposed to have ahome home home advantage i think the questionwhether these whether whether influences to teachcontact school is very is very interesting as well blowing away you know i i think thats kinda kindainternalized by asking about now about value you know that i think somepeople non-strategic rolls and some people are unwilling tosquirrels so it's it's the values and perhaps and also different people have verydifferent ideas of what is to come with

a strategic maciel's people talking about strategicpublic relations but knows he home and strategic operationsthe world so and how how far how how far respondents would beable to say with these things were tactically 0strategically important and eventually had a slider bar me askpeople to slide from one syntax 21 since titty chick i'm surethat would say something but i don't know

into woodward united would say i thinkwill be more interesting would be to control them a particularscenarios you know and to say you know school you know for procurement how useful these different services forcuban you since it may be that would be aparticular way would be to think a particular the use cases when analysts might want to the wet wetwet wet and listen to i'm so this is my people to their your organization andsay easy these use cases how would youcombine because that would help in

response to sell because there were no actually why is itthat people might be communities you know cool could be loads reasons andi think i think we we there are many opportunities to digin and actually understand why is it that these things are so highly rated and also once is such a small number offirms in the industry recapitalize on developing a ruled juliathan any other questions group will questions that we had were absolutelyfantastic

and my my colleague am my colleague ian stop since his apologies on go to thecool is going to be listened to it so hewon't let me sane east really frustrated that he can't make itlooks the family absolutely has to has come first are he said is your is issomething to right now so and so thank you so much for the call pleaseemail us if you have up foo questions and i think you mightbe sleep 1992 slights i guess your so i will i will email waslights out to you

in a few in a few moments and and brady we are hugely excited only on the stator as you can as chantellefor we that we made a presentation we haveto slide with reinstating in selling the services to people also we r chichi interested in this units onit so much work and we really interesting conversationsthat our now about so vain about ways that we can help is and whether or not you're interestedin buying this survey

so you know physical questions ideascriticisms with no criticisms and please get in touch with us they'llbe recording the school i'm gonna put online in a little whileand also if you're listening to the sincethe recording again please get in touch with me it'ssome kind of chapel he company dot com we could find me online aculture just google my name you honey mustard intouch with me so many questions comments criticisms and please look an awful awful for thewebinars if you go to influence the

relations to call you can which took mynewsletter missile to you /url webinars that we running within onenext thursday on social media happy get my studies in social media sofeel free to keep an eye out for a witness the week run john so i'm gonna close the window nowthank you so much glad to see that is useful forsomething and and the only state for going to theinvestor you scandals and other people speaking we will seethanks very much well

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