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List Of Financial Advisory Firms Melbourne 2016

they're shouting like hawkers. ma'am. she has no expressionon her face. she seems to be an alien. ma'am, you want taxi? i want brahma. i know, ma'am. i take, ma'am. you sitting, ma'am.i going, ma'am. come on, ma'am.

govinda, she's a beauty. while driving, i keep lookingat myself and at her.. ..again and again. i might meet with an accident. if i get lucky, she'll be motherof my kids. - hello. ma'am, my friend is calling up. i'm talking. i understand hindi very well. oh no.

okay, ma'am. mute the music. yes, ma'am. okay, ma'am. ma'am, your "back" is very nice.- what did you say? no.. your bag.. your bag is very nice. of course is it. and the gun inside it'salso very nice. gun?

ma'am, you're kidding. if you're a gun, i'm a bullet. if we unite,there will be only firing. and after that, love birds. i've even thought from 2 kids.. shut up! ma'am, you look very serious. ma'am, brahma's temple is here. get down.- what?

brahma's temple. i don't want god brahma. i want leader brahma. leader brahma? okay, ma'am. door closing, ma'am. ma'am,why are you going to meet brahma? to kill him. you're kidding again. don't say such thingsabout brahma again.

it won't be good for you. do you know anythingabout brahma? everyone here knows brahma. if you want,i can tell you the entire story. hey, rajender. what is it, veer? you've seized all our lands. my grandfather had giventhem in charity. i want my land back.

neither your grandfather normy grandfather is alive. all this land is mine.of patel family. get out of here. kill them all. kill them! listen to me. never! you took time in takinga decision. what are you waiting for?go and surround them.

and cut everyone into pieces. hey! butcher all of them. now this palace is mine. he's my grandson. doesn't he look like mygrandfather king dharamraj. father,not even the shadow of your.. ..lineage should fall on my son. he's my son. henceforth your lineageends here.

now my lineage will start. new.. i'll create a new lineage. i'll make him capable of earningmillions of rupees. the world will shiverfearing him. please spare my life. don't kill me. spare my life. please. spare my life. don't kill me.

no.. spare my life. his name is pradip shetty. famous financial advisor. he handles all the ministers'accounts. where can i find him? who are you? you've 100 crore rupees.- where have you hidden it? you've barged inside. now you're talking of money.

how much money is in politicians'accounts.. ..and where its stacked?i want complete details do you know whom you'retalking to? get out or else you'll regret. what happened?who did this to you? what happened? no.. no.. i'm ready totell you everything. these hard discs have accountdetails of all the big shots. now spare me.

who are you? how did you get in? security! where are you? where have you hiddenall the money? what money?- you won't tell me. don't do anything.the money is here. oh god! come on. keep them in the bag. shame.

you should be ashamed. international donand terrorists.. ..are challenging our activities. most wanted criminal chota chetanhas settled in dubai. second most wanted criminalchota vakil is in gulf. and the most wanted criminalbarod ibrahim.. ..is hiding in pakistan. don brahma is another namein the list. a big mafia. he's in india.

why can't we arrest him? what's the reason?what's the reason behind it? criminals cringe on seeingour state police. but when it's about brahma,our department turns pale. why? give me one reason. why? sir, brahma isn't anordinary criminal. it's very difficult to knowin which guise he's. he can even be the watchmanof your house.

you guys can't arrest him. for that we need a brave officer. and i know who he's. mr. bhairav singh.. ..i don't know how but i doknow that within 30 days.. ..you'll arrest brahma fromany part of india. sir, a day before 30 days.. ..i'll bring him toyou dead or alive. good luck.

thank you. if brahma has cheatedor hurt anyone.. ..he can contact mewithout hesitation. take my name. 9663380507. brahma, listen to me. in mythology bhairav hadbeheaded lord brahma. now this bhairav singhis here to behead you. sir. shankar.- sir?

collect information aboutbrahma's activities. - yes, sir. madhur. - yes, sir?- he shouldn't flee the country. inform all the airports. okay, sir.- sir. - sridhar. - yes, sir? send a copy of his report inevery police station of the city. yes, sir. - tell everyoneto be alert. - okay, sir. within 2 days i want clues. okay?- okay, sir. move. sir, hello.

sit, ma'am. don't be scared. speak freely. sir, i want brahma. not just you,we also want brahma. tell me. he's a big magician, sir. come to the point. how are you related to him? sir, he's.. hello.

jenny, where are you? come fast. i'm already here. bye. oh! oh my god. help me, sir. hello.listen. i know you're helpless. but i don't thinkyou're hopeless. this is temporary solution.

i want to give you a permanentsolution. okay. hello. is this just dial? that's good. hello. what is this? look, now you aren't a beggarman. okay? - yeah. wait. keep this. now you're a businessman, okay?- thank you. wish you all the best. bye.- thank you very much. - bye.

wow. fantastic solution.- excuse me. - yes? how much is this for? i've come with an application. o god, my work shouldbe done at any cost. i need your blessings. are you indian?- yes, priest. and i'm happy that you'vemade our god famous here. you're great.- it's not a big deal. lord subramanium ishere for 2 years.

next week even lord venkateshwaris coming. then for lord hanuman.. ..for circalmarammaof malleshwar.. ..and for goddess mahalaxmi,i've applied visa. i'll bring them all here. priest,you're talking of bring gods.. ..as if they're your siblings.- what is the matter? i'll tell you later.first come home. who is that?

daughter, get the door please. okay, mother. you're here? what happened, daughter? why areyou looking at him like this? do you know him? he's an angel. do you what happened whenwe were coming home? malaysia is a beautiful country. india will take 50 more yearsto be like malaysia.

dirty politicians' country. the day dirty politicians anddirty politics die there.. ..india will progress. forget all that, priest.you left your country.. ..and you're living happilyin this small country. it means god's blessingsare with you. god's blessings? which god? god didn't have mercy on me..

..but this bell,platter and my brains helped me. understood? without them,nothing would have been possible. you chant god's name.you're delusional. priest, what are you saying? wearing priest's attire.. ..you pray to god everyday. still you say there is no god. i'm running a business herein the name of god.. ..where i earn millions.

so isn't it a business for me?- business? of course.listen, has anyone seen god? have you seen god? i've seen god.- did you? bring him in front of me. come with me. where is your god? i want to see him today. is he on tv? is he on the streetsor in plane or in air.. ..or on earth?or in the sky? tell me.

he's in this platter. platter? - you'll see himin the platter. hold it. i'll see him in the platter?- yes. listen to me carefully. when the signal turns green,people will flock here. then say help me withclosed eyes. am i a beggar? everyday after prayer,you roam with this platter. then don't people give you money.- is it called begging? no. listen to me. hold the platter..

..close the eyes and prayto god for money. and say, with that money myfamily and i'll enjoy life. okay? will you show me god then?- yes. sure. - fine. people are coming. start.- come on start. give me money, please.excuse me please.. ..so that my family andi can live lavishly. give me money. hey. where is your god? did you see god?

no. okay.now you'll see it. hold this. now you've to ask differently.- you know how? god, the money i get willbe used to help the poor. i'll feed the hungry people.- i'll give clothes to needy. okay. now say that. will i see god if i do that? start. people are coming here.- hurry up. help for the poor people, sir.thank you, sir.

thank you very much, sir.thank you, sir. look, i got so much money. but i didn't still see your god. what are you saying?you've still not seen god. first the platter was empty,now it's filled with money. what did you say first?- god, if you fill the platter.. ..my family and i'lllive lavishly. but nobody gave you anything. next time you said,i'll help the poor people.

and you got so much money. did you understand? i'll give you another example.tv is connect to the remote. tv will be on when you pressthe button on remote. can you see the connectionbetween a tv and remote? - no. in the same way we'veconnection with god. this way he showed godto this priest. she's my wife.- hello. hello. here..

even in malaysia you're followingtraditions of our country. i'm very pleased to see it. by the way, yesterday i sawyou near british court. you gave a new lifeto that beggar. really hats off. it's not a big deal. i love you. don't get her wrong. whenever anyone doesanything good..

..my daughter says i loveyou to express her joy. oh, i see. indian take i love youvery seriously. enough of chatting.son, let's eat food. i need some information about..- brahma. - hi. hi. - how are you?- fine. how are you? - i'm good. by the way, meet my friend ricky. hi. - hello. - nice to meetyou. - how are you? fine, thank you.- excuse me, please. - yeah sure.

it's confidential.be careful. okay? - yeah. bye. take care. - bye. - okay,liz. so how are you? - i'm good. what is the matter?we keep running into each other. is it a miracle? miracle happens. wow. nice. so coffee? by the way, you didn't tell mewhy you came to malaysia. for murder.

good joke. i like you. tell me something. if we like someone.. ..he comes in our dreams.is this concept true? why not? everything is possible. you know what.you came in my dreams yesterday. it's not a dream.i'm in front of you. that's why i'm so happy. what's that ad?

this? in malaysia every year thereis best couple contest. true lovers from around theworld come in this contest. it's an amazing experience,you know. - shall we try? hey. we aren't a couple. our target is 10 million rupees. if we win,we can share the money. what say? okay. welcome to malaysia bestcouple contest.

beauty. youth. stylish. first round. ramp walk. second round. the dance round. questionnaire round. your question is.. ..when a person is born,everyone is born same. but some choose right path..

..and some wrong path. what do you think about that? reason is very simple. a person's view decideswhich path he takes. for example, a son who thinksmy mother suffered for me.. ..will always tread on the rightpath. on the other hand.. ..a son who doesn't respecthis parents.. ..will tread the wrong path. best proposal round.

priya, when you're with me,it seems like it's raining. when you're away,it seems to be like a storm. and when you smile,there is serenity. and when you're sad,it feels like tremors. thanks for the weather report,gentleman. if you look into my eyes,you'll see only yourself. you're in my heart. our true love, our faith is thepurity of our relationship. i feel you're the one for me.

everything else comes later.. ..first comes love. the world is meaninglesswithout i. thanks a million to your father. hello.you need to propose your wife. and not your father-in-law. people say if you lie,a daughter is born. for such a beautiful girl,your father lied. i salute him. you're so beautiful,i feel like writing odes for you.

bad luck i'm not a poet. the heart says to portrayyour beauty in painting. but unfortunately,i'm not a painter. i feel like writing storiesto praise your charms. but bad luck, i'm not a writer. i'm nothing still you're with me,that's my good luck. but alas.. ..i can't give youa hi-fi lifestyle. i can't take you in big car.

i can't take you infive star hotel. but above all these.. ..i can give you hi-fi,five star love. it's my promise. when we'll be husband and wife,we'll be equal. we both are one. i'll respect you. i'll accept your decisions. and most importantly,i'll love you a lot.

and now it's time for results. the winner of malaysia bestcouple is.. the indian couple. thank you. thank you very much. what happened? why are youstanding like a statue? hello. tell me, what happened? if you leave me, i'll die. i've fallen in your love. in this midnight,you've fallen on the road. get up.- i love you.

hey! competition is over,still you're acting. you said in competition,to look into the eyes.. ..the heart will know the truth. my heart is sayingsomething to me. i want you. ask your heart, does it love me? because i love you. whatever i said therewas an act..

..to win 10 million rupees. don't take it seriously, okay? i'm extremely sorry. after that i didn't see him, sir. later i learnt he hascome to india. so i came from malaysiato find him, sir. please find him any how. now my life depends on him. hey. he's not an ordinary man..

..but a criminal. he spared your life by notfalling in love with you. sir, no matter what, i want him. constable, lodge her complaintand let her go. thank you, sir. bye. that cheater went to malaysia? thank you.- who are you? actually a few months agoi was very lucky, sir. stop this drama.why are you here?

sir, i'm not doing drama. a few months ago iwas very lucky. but i'm not now. an insolent man made me pauper.brahma. - okay. sit. really?- yes. what do you know about brahma? sir, he's not human but demon. he comes as a gentleman. and he robs you makes you pauper.

sir, i'll tell you my story. shot! go and explode! i'm a lucky man. i'm a very lucky man. my luck was 99% on my side. and at such a time heentered in my life. excuse me. hello. yeah, i'm lucky speaking.

did you forget yourfriend golgappa? golgappa. how are you? i'm fine. how are you? hunter. earthquake. i'm hungry for prey. i want to meet you.where are you? i don't meet anyone like that. i take money to meet. fine. get a job for my guy.

i can't get work for any tom,dick or harry. first of all, i test him. first food test.. ..then blood test.. ..and if he survives,honesty test. and later i get a job for him. where is your guy? was he talking about you? yes, sir. i'm brahma.

will you shake hands with me? have you come to ask fora job or shake hands? keep your hands away.unlucky fellow. dirty hands. say hello. who will say sir?- hello, sir. fool. don't you know howto respect the elders? fold your hands and greet me. sir, if you show me howit's done, i'll do it. hello, sir.

you made me greet you. sir. like this? hello, sir. is it right? come. look, just walking withme isn't enough.. ..if you want to work with me,you've to be alert like me. okay, sir.- my foot! where is the bag? sir, bag is on the table.- there? - yes, sir. okay, i'll get it.

okay, sir. should i get it?- no, i'll get it. will you bring it? you're with me, so i should bringthat bag. - should i, sir? no, i'll get it.- sir. it's fine, sir. i'll get it. should i bring it? sir, bag. i like it.- thank you, sir.

don't crouch. stand straight. now let's go. sir, you go first. no, you go first. you indians stay behindbecause you.. ..always tell others to go ahead. sir.from which country you hail from? we don't do that. and you too won't do it.understood? - yes, sir.

bag. follow me. nobody can be my match. it's too much. sorry, sir. will you come withme in the lift? how should i come? out. get out. take the stairs. seventh floor. listen..

the one who flees isn't great.. ..but the one who comes aheadis great. - yes, sir. done. look, i'm a lucky man. do you know about my luckand my lucky hand? do you know anything? no, sir. i should tell you. will you drink soft drink?

the heart wants more. why are you staring like that? because i asked you butdrank it myself? take the cap. cap. you see it. sir, it's written "one free". i know.that's the game of lucky ones. free soft drink. now drink it.you won't have to pay money. it's a very lucky day for me.

golgappa did the best thing inhis life by sending you to me. or else you wouldn't havemet a great man like me. come here. are you famished?- let it be. don't be shy. tell me. what will you eat?let's go and eat. welcome, sir. what is it, sir?we're welcomed here. if welcome is like this,think how good the food will be. they've the best food. come.

enough, sir. i eat staple food.today i got this feast. i feel like coming here everyday. very good, sir. hey, dude.- hey.. aren't you ashamedto tease girls? take it easy, baby. sir. excuse me. what's the menu?

kid. brahma. now i know which jobto give to you. it's more than 1000 rupees. i could get it cheaper. that's my boy. thank you, sir.- stay up. stand straight. now not even a fly shouldsit on this lucky man. you've to be my bodyguard.

but..- sir, a fly. there was a fly.. oh.. now with chest out, follow me.- yes, sir. - yes, sir. follow me. follow me. follow me. what are you looking at? sir, i'm waiting for your car. i'll slap you.- why?

don't ever talk of car again. use your legs. - shankarcharyawalked across india 3.. ..times and becamethe world guru. the one who walkedfrom karnataka.. ..to andra pradeshonce became cm. you too walk.you can become famous. this is lucky man's thought.- okay. sir. be careful. there is mud. if a car comes,your clothes will get soiled.

mud and water.. do you think it willget splashed on me? now see if the mud getssplashed on me. stay away and watch. stay away or elseyou'll get dirty. you see. this is lucky man. he's really very lucky. open sesame! open! did you see the houseof the lucky one?

you too should worship me. your luck will also change. now come on. why are you walkingin front of me? you've to walk behind thislucky man. - sorry, sir. lucky draw. lucky man. sir. you're really very lucky. you've such a big house, suchexpensive things. - 5-6 cars. this house is also verylucky for you.

sir,tell me what you got in gifts. let these eyes get some solace. i'll show you. don't be jealous. don't jinx it. sir, i won't be jealous. whatever i've is yours.. ..and what you've is mine. people who think like thatare very broad minded. what?

i'll be broad minded if i thinkmy things are yours. i didn't get it. is this single meaning,double meaning.. ..or tripe meaning.- no, sir. it's right meaning. one meaning. right meaning.- right, sir. i'll show you my luckycollection. voila. sir. what is it?

entire city's gift isin your cupboard. sir. you're a golden star. you're a golden man.- what are you saying? i mean you're gold hearted. sir. i'm very happy to meetyou. you're a lucky star. give me your autograph. autograph. sir, you know how starsbecome so great? by giving autograph.

if you give me autograph.. ..your wealth will get doubled,tripled. - really? yes, sir. give me autograph. i respect you a lot. i'm very happy. i'm getting emotional. of course, sir. will it get doubled and tripled? believe me, sir.

i'm doing it for the first time.- sir, write properly. is this really your signature? super hit. super. i'll show you something else. what is that?- but don't be envious. sir, i'll be very happy. lucky star. yes. lucky star. super star.

close your eyes. what is it? you aren't just goldenstar but diamond star. am i a diamond star? sir, i'm your fan for life. give me autograph. lucky star is giving autographto his first fan. yes, sir.- will it get doubled? yes, sir.

sir. what is all this? what a game!- sir. what is all this? entire room is full of gifts. wow. great. it's so heavy. sir. wait. here.. and give me your autographin wholesale. in wholesale?- yes, sir. i'm your lifelong fan.

fame it.- sure. yes, sir. great, sir. sign more. amazing. how can he cheat youwith autograph? tell me clearly. that's what i'm trying to say. what kind of englishnewspaper this is! nothing is printed right in it. everything is rubbish.

i think someone has come againto meet his lucky man. coming. does brahma stay here? the one and only luckybrahma is me. what gift did you bring? - we'llgive you gift. come outside. come outside. we'll show you. look what's flying there. nab him. what did i do?

why did they thrash me?who were they? they made my back swollen. now i can't even sit to relax.oh god! i'm not a beggar. i'm in pain. they thrashed me very bad. who could it be now? let them come in front. are you mr. brahma? i'm the servant.

sir is upstairs.- can i go upstairs? sure, sir.- come on. go on. his work is done. he'll be whacked. nice to meet you. okay. see you. okay, bye. they butchered you. who were they?

sir, they were from zigzagunderwear company. why did they come here? they said you bought underwearof their company. - it's true. you won a bumper prizeof malaysia tour. i'm the lucky man.hail lucky brahma! they wanted passport for visa.so i gave to them. you gave to them.- yes, sir. - great. i'll take you to airport. have you ever seen an aeroplane?

what does aeroplane mean?- it means you didn't see. no, sir. i didn't see asit flies in the sky. i didn't see it from close. i'll show you. and airport. sir, airport? it's the place where planes stop. i understood. you're great, sir.- will you take me along?

yes. listen,get ready on the correct time. sure.- sir, will you take me along? okay.- okay, sir. thank you, sir. thank you, sir.- be lucky like me. this is not your passport.- give me your passport. no, this is my photo.my passport. no. security, take him away. no, my ticket.

no. this is not your ticket. -not even your passport. - hello. i'll talk to him.- yes, i'm the lucky man. see, this is me. this is my face. this is my identity card.- and this is my passport. i'm going to malaysia. - okay.you can go. - okay, thank you. okay. thank you very much. hey.. my ticket. you'll get your ticket.- take him away. you can't go. take him away.

hey.. i don't know english. that's why you're goingto malaysia.. ..pasting your photo on mypassport. but i'm the lucky man. i'll go to london and talkto queen victoria. you can go. hey, kiddo. what is it, fool? you forgot your status. don't you need my autograph?

autograph? you won't forget myphotograph all your life. let's see what happensof your autograph. my work is done. bye. okay, go. done? what work did he have? i don't know what he has done. hey, golgappa.you sent a conman to me. he wasn't good. - what are yousaying? - he cheated me.

what are you saying?i didn't send anyone. you're mistaken.- sir. - wait. sir, there is a puddle and mud. if the car comes,your clothes will be soiled. do you think i'll get soiled? the one who said it beforewent to malaysia. now you see,i'll send you to bangkok. stay away and see my luck. go there.

navjot singh. stop it. how did you all come here? you're in my house. so many boys and girls?where did they come from? who am i?i'm the owner of this house. listen. please come outside. someone is there.. who is he? who are you? what do you want?

what's happening?everyone is asking who i'm. i'm the owner of this bungalow. where are you going?- don't go inside. stop.- someone stop him. this is my house. mika, show it to him. arman singh. these aren't the real documentsof the house. get aside.

where are you going? kids, come here. look what he's doing. thrash him. don't just stare. thrash him. beat him to pulp. what has happened? hey.. what is happening?what are you doing? no.. where are you taking me? i was like this, sir.

now look how i'm. in 24 hours, sir. one day match doomed me. sir, i challenge you.if you spend an hour with him.. ..he'll make you a constable. hey, shut up! sir, to become rich again, i'veto spend a week with him. if i circumambulate aroundhim for a week.. ..i'll get back my good luck.- sage said that to me.

so please arrest him, sir. -fine. go and lodge your complaint. thank you, sir. thank you, sir. sir, you're sweating afterhearing my story. should i turn on the fan?- shut up. out! i'm going.. brahma! where are you? frisk him. okay, boss. shall we exchange?

okay. take it. hey.. shoot him. forgive me.- get up. forgive me. give me the briefcase. we want to say to all the priestsand devotees in the temple.. ..as per the intelligencereport.. ..a bomb is plantedin this temple. evacuate the temple assoon as possible.

come on, fast. come on. make it fast. come on, fast. let's go. hurry up. bomb is kept in the red box, sir?- what did you say? bomb is kept in the red box? we've to defuse the bomb.so take the red box out, fast. everyone get aside.we're bringing the bomb out. officer,shift the red box quickly. hey, get back.

everyone, get back. all the priests and devotees,listen. you can continue praying,we'll diffuse the bomb. where are you, lazy bones? don't you know there wasa theft in the temple? i've reached brother's home. come here to console brother. laxmipathy. brace yourself. how can i brace myself?have you gone mad?

you told me to keep black moneyin the temple, so i did it. i thought it won't beraided in the temple. i made a temple onyour behest and.. ..hid millions of rupees there. but that dacoit plunderedall the money. to catch that onefrom tv channel.. ..i got a new policeofficer appointed. but he got all my life's earningwiped in a moment. i won election thriceand earned those..

..money with such difficulty. because of your god,they robbed all that money. hello, minister. keep your hello with you. when you can't protecta minister.. ..so how can you protectthe people? go and remove this uniform. wear a woman's attire.. ..and start dancing at a brothel.

mind your tongue, sir. i'll nab him. i'll find your money. good morning, sir. we got animportant clue about brahma. look, sir. the details are in it. 15 years ago i wasposted in jambli. then brahma went missing. his father had lodgeda complaint.

my son has run away. we looked everywhere butwe couldn't find him. please find him, sir. okay. we'll find him. he'll be attached to his father. once we find your father,you'll also be found. hello, son. offer flowers for the peace ofthe soul of departed one. now hold this.

immerse this in water. sir, this man is a millionaire. old landlord. he made a land deal of 200 croreday before yesterday. he invested those moneyin gold and diamonds. he has kept them in his home. if we succeed in getting it.. ..we'll be helped in australianoperation. but remember, he's very sly.

i'll put immediate to death.. ..and get that money. your son will become thecause of your death. ma'am,i had told you about the past. now it's time for the present. now i'll tell you what brahma is. to get appointment with him.. ..even angel of deathhas to wait. breaking news. governmentwill collapse in hours.

there is no way out. 15 mlas have left for hyderabad. cm's worries just won't end. did you get brahma's appointment? i worked all my life toget to this post of cm. but now these peopleare betraying me.. ..and they want my governmentto fall down. i don't know what to do. somehow save my post of cm.

we'll discuss the rest later. brahma, save my government. you may go. breaking news. successful insaving the post. - cm is elated. because of brahma,government is saved again. brahma is the kingmaker who gavenew life to government. my government and i'll beforever indebted to you. thanks. hello. don't rewind or replay.

did he go to kill hisfather or not? come on. tell me. wise people prefer to rewind. one needs guts to saywhat i'm telling you. you can listen if you want. brahma reached villageto kill his father. what did you say?conspiracy to kill me? the one who conspired to killme won't escape alive. before he comes here, kill him.

are you new in the village? get lost. why are you staring? get aside. i didn't get beaten up today. why would my boss hit me today? there is no chance. because there is soilin the vase.. ..water in the soil.. ..plant in the water..

..flowers in the plant.. ..and bees on the flowers. today i did all my work properly. there is no chanceto get beaten up. listen to me.- sir, i'm going. i'm here. did you call me, sir? can i ask why you hit me? sir, my slippers are like yours.. no.. your slippers are like mine.

i wore your slippers by mistake. tell me why you hit me again? will you wear my slippers? oh..- remove them. okay. here..- hey! your own will bringabout your death. who are you?- upendra. from which village you're?- chitmanglu. your parents..

they're alive. if you want to work with me,there are some conditions. you've to be honest.. ..and trust worthy. you'll get 3 square meals a dayand 6000 rupees a month. you won't get anything else. you've to work for 24 hours. i accept, sir. hey, sadhu?- yes, sir.

take his driving test.- okay. if he passes,inside the outside.. ..or else out of the gate. brother, we've brought theconspirator in the bag. the one who errs has to pay. i want to see blood of the onewho conspired against me. take them away. this is your palace. is it fine?

everyone is scared of me here. they shiver.- oh. because i'm the leaderof the servants here. so what's your name?- upendra. upendra?what kind of a name is this! it's so boring. you call yourself upendra. do you know my name?- no. sadhu! like the sage.

everyone shivers onhearing my name. i'm like lord brahma. brahma creates the universe. and i destroy. oh. kiddo, do you know brahma? no..- he's the source of holy ganges. he has trident in hands. he has snakes around his neck.that's brahma.

sir, that's lord shiva. oh..then how does lord brahma look? like me. hey, kiddo. are you kidding?- no, sir. don't ever do that. clean the place in 2 minutes. okay, sir.- make it spick and span. wow. you've cleaned it well. you do good work.

you asked my bio-data, but youdidn't tell me about yourself. i'm a different soul. i'm a big dacoit who willplunder this house. i'm a thief who steals goldand diamonds from here. some day i'll breakinto the vaults. i've been here for 4 years. only one year is left forme to break the vault. did you understand anything? sir, you didn't tell me anything.

you only gave strange reactions. i put it on mute so thatnobody finds out. i synced your reactionand dubbed it.. ..so now i understood a little. stop thinking and linking mythoughts without my permission. go and get ready. i've to take driving test. acts smart! he wants to sync. is it?

hello.- hello. we're interpol officerfrom malaysia. and this is rahul dev,most wanted criminal.. ..killed by brahma in malaysia. hello. yes. and thsi is sarah.wife of rahul dev. she may come to india. and any time she may kill brahma.this is interpol news. brahma,you killed international don.

it means there is a linkbetween you and him. trap is laid for you, brahma. let me see how many moredays you survive. upendra, your family is here.go and meet them. - family? your wife has come. you're actingas if you've no wife. my wife came? oh god! hey.. he ran in fright hearingabout his wife. everyone except meis scared of wife.

what can a poor driver do! they wander out forjob all the time. that's why they run hearingtheir wife's name. wow. seeing the place it feelswe're at the right address. well, she and i.. she's my wife. i didn't call you here.why did you come here? he's my boss. greet him. you fool..- who is he?

i'm..- brother. he's brother. greet him. didn't i say there is no placefor unnecessary burden? unnecessary burden? i turned lucky ones into unlucky. if you say anything wrong,you'll get doomed. get lost quietly. let me stay here for a week. saint said that i lostmy good luck.

if i stay with you for a week,i can get it back. please..- what is he whispering about? nothing, sir. he was asking forsome work in the cow shed.. ..like cleaning cow dung orbathing the buffaloes. sadhu.- yes, sir. put him to work in our garden.- okay, sir. upendra, take your wife. it seems you're going to putthis palace also on wager. hey.

are you planning to stealin this palace? you shorty. i was wondering how much moneyit took to build this palace. move your hand. what do you think of me? i'm your boss in this house. you've to do what i say. or else you'll be removed. no, boss..- follow me. - okay.

he acts smart! this kid has become my boss.- come here. coming, boss. kiddo, come here. what's your name? lucky one! lucky one? then why did you comehere to work? your sister's husbandis very good.

he always salutes me. he stands with bowedhand in front of me. he even takes my blessings. did he ever take your autograph? autograph? he didn't take my autograph. he would have taken if it was inhis range. - what do you mean? it means i've no range. do you think i'm a pauper?

you don't know what i'm. i'll tell you. come with me. listen. didn't i tell you there is noplace for love in my life? so why are you here? i came here for you. you're the reason forthe change in me. didn't you say i'm your wife? i came here to be one.

why am i here? why am i working as a driver? who am i? do you know anything? i don't care who you'reand why you're here? i won't even ask. i only want you. i want to get married to you. "we didn't realize.." hey.. keep it down. come here.

didn't i tell you to waterthe plants? - did you? it rained at night. if it was raining.. ..you should have taken umbrellato water the plants. i've to stay hereonly for a week. or else i would havecrushed you.. brother, you've to sign theagreement of bangalore factory. stop, sir. don't give autograph.

sir, sir. stop. no.. what are you rambling? if you give autograph,your life will be ruined. don't do it. - shut up. -have you lost your mind? he's really mad. - take him away.- hey, get out of here. - no.. go away or else i'll slap you. please don't.. look at boss. he's so decent.

he won't look good as a beggar. don't take his autograph, please. why did you come here? don't you want yourgood luck back? so keep your mouth shut. if you do over acting,i'll kill you. don't let them escape. you? you employed youfor so many years.. ..and this is how you repaid us?

you bite the hand that feed you. if you say a word more,i'll break your teeth. take these traitorsto police station.. ..so that they rot in jailfor all their lives. how long have we beenworking in his house? 20 years. so why did we plan tosteal in that house? really. if you listen to me today..

..entire world will listento you in future. what do you say? it means he had to come in.. ..so he got us out. come outside, everyone. henceforth upendra will stayin this house like my son. he'll handle all the work here. saraswati,take him in and feed him. come, son.

he wants to rob theplace before me. let me see. listen, sadhu.- yes, sir. do you plan to rob this house? me? from this house? sir, can i ever think like that? i'm your loyal servant.i can't think of that. hello.as per our sources from law.. ..minister mahanteshwar's house..

..dacoit robbed 1 crore rupees. and police has said thatthey've succeeded.. ..in escaping from the city. giri, transport vehicle is here.- okay. - go and check it. hey, get down.- where are you coming from? from the nearby village, sir. show your license anddriver papers. from where did youbring this good? ramlal.

what's in the vehicle? sir.. what? let me check. if there something wrong. did you check everythingproperly? sir, there are only tomatoes. i've my doubts. sir, there was only tomatoes. we raided the minister's house.

we've all the money. where do i send them? put sujata on the line. sujata, listen. what are you going to do? i'm loading my gun tokill the target. i'm waiting to put an end to it. you be careful. okay. the money we invested..

..has returned with full profit. we didn't suffer anyloss in the market. there is profit from everywhere. invest 100 crore in land. brother, we've brought agreementof the old factory. we want your signature on it. upendra. did you change? did you change the car tyre?

i did it yesterday, sir. hey.. don't waste time. hurry up.- you're sitting like a queen. everyone has become lazy. oh..- put it here. what did i tell you?and what are you doing? don't act on your whims. that upendra is tryingto snatch my job. he has come very close to boss.

what do you think? you're a servant,so act like one. or else i'll teach you a lesson. boss.if you keep going like this.. ..you'll be knocked down by atruck. - what will you do then? will i let the truckknock me down? i'll get aside. won't you get asideon seeing trouble? so why don't you get aside now?

hey! what do you think of me? you're a greenhorn.will you advice me? worthless chap!you didn't do anything properly. you didn't water the plants. you didn't make coffee or loadthe good. - you didn't sweep. you didn't give fodderto the cattle. you didn't clean the cow shed.- worthless! you've become lazy. if you don't work properly,i'll fire everyone. hey! what is it?

you're lecturing me for an hour. if you've the guts.. ..say it to that guywho calls a girl.. ..his wife without marrying her. have you seen nuptialchain on her neck? what? she has nuptialchain on her neck? come out, upendra. open the door. sir? it's nothing, dear. go inside.

sir is calling you. no, he's calling you.- come here. oh god. today i'm doomed. today i'll be slapped. he hits me like this. what did you do now? i learn only aftergetting slapped. coming, sir.

today you'll get hit formaking a mistake. sir, i'll bring him. come on. sir,he thinks he's the boss here. come on. sir, slap him so hardthat he loses all his teeth. he thinks he's very smart. slap him now. why did sir hit me? o god! you shifted allmy bad luck on him. thank you very much.

it's your miracle! you fulfilled my wish so soon. wear nuptial chain. god, i won't forget this favour. now whether you fulfilmy any wish or not.. ..i just pray to protect him. i'll fast from or 21 mondays. ah.. oh i see.

your son will bring your death. upendra. what's going on here? very good! very impressive. you're asking what's going on. you hid your son in your house.. ..and complain to police thatyour son has ran away. you make him steal in daytime. and you hide him athome at night. and then you builtthis whole empire.

ask, "what's going on here?" good question. inspector, which son? which thief? what is the matter?tell me clearly. veer verma, if you've medicinesfor heart attack.. ..please take it. because now i'm going totell you such a truth.. ..that will need that medicine.

point number one. this man isn't upendra. he's brahma. point number two. he's your son. what happened? are you shocked? he's a dacoit.. ..who came to deceiveand rob your wealth. he's your grandson..

..who has defiled your name. not just that.. ..entire police departmentis looking for him. he's the most wantedcriminal brahma. shame on you for givingbirth to such a thief. is everyone like himin your family.. inspector! do you realize whose familyyou're talking about? what do you know aboutour family?

our ancestry is linkedto india's history. hail lord mahadev! march! "raise your sword.crush the enemies." "you are the victor." "hail to you." "evil shouldn’t prevail." "you get victory inevery battle." "nobody is brave like you."

"you are the gem." "nobody is brave like you.you're the gem." "you are everyone's hope." "you are brahma devraya." "you are the just king." "you are warrior." "the world depends on you." "hail.." "the enemies shiver onhearing your name."

"make the ultimate sacrifice." "fortune favours the brave." "god's blessing is with you." spare my life. no! our family believesin giving charity.. ..not fighting. i spare your life. go away from here. come on!

greetings, sage. king, may your generositygo on for ever. as long as your lineage givescharity like this.. ..my blessing is that you'llrule like this for ages. the king will always befrom your lineage. so be it. god bless you. and this way by giving everythingin charity.. ..we turned bankrupt.

sister-in-law,it's been days since we ate food. i can't bear this hunger now. husband.. ..everyone is starving at home. please go and get somefood for them. please give me alms. don’t hit me. no, son.. don't hit him. if you come here to beg again..

..i'll kill you. veer brahma. it's my duty to beg for alms. you've insulted me. ..a son will be born to you. and he'll be the causeof your death. it's my curse! did you see, father? you considered givingcharity your pride..

..and you gave up everything.. ..and made your family poor. today our family isstarving for food. all of you, listen. now i'm changing therule of this family. now we won't give anythingto anyone in charity. what i'll do will be justice. everyone will treadthe path i show. and then i'll take my familyto that place..

i'll fight the worldfor my right. the wealth and propertythat we lost.. ..i'll get it back. this way the land our ancestorshad given in charity.. ..my son snatched backfrom everyone. then my grandson brahma was born. my son raised him in his way. he wanted to make hisson's destiny. but the fate held something else.

one day my grandson tookall the money.. ..and donated them to the poor. next day in anger my son.. ..whipped him badly. he left him tied there all night. in the morning when we wentthere, our grandson wasn't there. he's born in such a great clan. grandfather, your grandson wasnoble in his childhood. but now he has become a dacoit.

what can you do? you were in front of me.. ..but you didn't call me mother. oh god! how did it happen? i couldn't recognize my own son. take the kids inside. go inside. inspector, when he left home.. ..i thought he has gone astray.

but he chose the wrongpath on purpose. take him away. breaking news. brahma, who robbed millions ofrupees, is at last arrested. brahma, who was headache forpolice, is finally arrested. latest news.latest news. brahma is arrested. but newspaper. latest news. brahma is arrested. brahma is arrested.

brahma is taken forinterrogation. legally case is filedagainst you. there is no way to escape. so you won't tell us? what would brahma have donewith crore of rupees? let's see what our publichave to say on that. what else? he would havesplurged like crazy. such worthless boys shouldbe shot dead. he must've enjoyed in malaysia.

such traitors shouldbe stoned to death. brahma's accomplicetoo are arrested. you're a disease for the society. what's the relationshipbetween you and brahma? brahma is like a god for us. one day we were crying in hunger. are you also hungry? come with me. give us 4 cups of tea.

he gave food to thestarving kids. one day narayan spotted that boy. and he took the orphansto his ashram. he raised us in his ashram. but one day internationaldon rahul.. ..dev saw the land of ashram. will you give yourland or your life? i'll give my life.. ..but not this land.

he killed narayan in frontof the children. to take revenge from that demon.. ..brahma killed rahuland his brother. revenge. that's why brahma startedkilling criminals. fine. now come to the point.where is the money? look, if you don't tell me.. ..i've got brahma'sencounter order.

we'll kill him tonight. no, sir. don't do anythingto him. we'll tell you. ah. hey, come on. sir, wait a minute. sujata. sir, she's also our partner. is this a drama? sujata, sir wants to know wherethe money is. tell him.

you're looking for that money. that money is the supportfor orphans who.. ..are living withoutparents and family. that money was spent toeducate these orphans. it was spent to raise them. sir,these children are eating food. this food was boughtwith that money. come here. these orphans can't even see.

our brahma's money is with them. now tell me, for which crimethese kids are punished? we've to perform eye operationson these kids. that's why brahma went tosteal in his own house. brother. when will oureye operation be done? it won't happen.. ..because police arrestedbrother brahma. if anything happens to brahma.. ..who will take careof these orphans.

look, i can't changethe law for brahma. for the law,he committed a crime. law and duty is separate. his mission may be right,but his method is wrong. he has to pay for his crime. come on. move. brahma isn't a killerbut an angel. don brahma became anangel overnight. today court will give verdictin brahma's case.

we want justice! we want justice! we want justice! what has happened?he became a hero overnight. everyone stood on seeing him. forget others, even you stood up. yes, sit down. your honour, this case shouldbe an example for everyone. so that nobody doesanything wrong. whatever he did is wrong.

and he should be punished for it. i request the court,under section 399.. ..this criminal should be hanged. that's my humble request,your honour. brahma, do you want to sayanything in your defense? your honour,when a soldier fights a war.. ..he doesn't do it forpersonal enmity.. ..but for his country. i too did the same.

i fought this for the happinessof my people. nothing else. can you return all the money? i've nothing to give.. ..except my work. i respect you a lot, your honour. if you give me death penalty,i'll accept it happily. no matter who commits a crime,it's illegal. the accused has confessedto his crimes.

so this court,under section 302.. ..finds him guilty and.. your honour. i'm.. ..his father. when he left home.. ..i wasn't so sadon the first day. i wasn't sad even onthe second day. it made no difference to meeven on the third day.

do you know why? i thought after starvingfor 4 hours.. ..he'll return home for food. i thought that. but he didn't return. son. when you were so small.. ..i told you many storiesas your father. but on growing up,you made me realize my mistakes.

i thought the one who earnsmillions is great. but the one who wins millionsof heart is great. i learnt it from you. till today i taught my wife.. ..my grandchildren and my familyto live for themselves. but going against my teachings.. ..he helped every needyperson he met. there is only one likehim and that's my son. the way only one in millioncan live for the people..

..the one who rulesmillion of hearts.. ..was sired by me. your honour,these are the papers of my land. you can return the moneyto the rightful owner. these are the documentsof my house. take these. if you want,you can take these also. but don't punish my son. i can even live in a hutwith such a son..

..i'll consider myself lucky. but give me my son back. we've returned the moneystolen by the accused. but as per the law,he made a mistake. so under section 389 and 420.. ..he's given 2 yearsimprisonment. with this,the court is dismissed. ma'am,brahma was put behind bars. and our people spread riotto get him released.

there were rallies. he was made to contestthe election. he won the election and came out. this is brahma's real story. we've reached his home, ma'am. car stopping, ma'am.door opening. now get down, ma'am. take the gun in the hand. go and shoot him, ma'am.

i'm just kidding, ma'am. ma'am. ma'am. i'll go and have teaand biscuits. in the meantime, go and meet him. hello. - hello, sir. - goodmorning, sir. - good morning. you've meeting at 12 withwomen's organization.. ..and commissioner at 2.- okay. you've to go to delhiby 4 o'clock flight. father, i'm going to delhiin the evening..

..for a meeting.i'll return late. okay. take care.- give me your blessings. the press is waiting for you. go.- bye. sir,you went to jail for the people. and because of the peoplepressure, the law released you. they supported you and madeyou win the election. you're a central minister now.- what will you say about that? you can live in your royalpalace now if you want.

but you left it and you're livingin this small house. why is it so? look, in bank there are twoaccounts for everyone. saving account andcurrent account. similarly in one's life,we've two accounts. account of sins.. ..and account of virtues. in this fast paced life,we make many mistakes. to balance that,it's important to do good deeds.

people say, we're happy becauseof our ancestors' good deeds. but now the time has changed. we've to pay for our deeds. and that's why start an accountof virtues and help 4 people. i must've done somethinglike that. that's why people considerme their leader. the one who goes ahead leavingthe people back isn't a leader. the leader stays with the people. do you know who i'm?

mrs. rahul dev. i killed your husband. and you're here to take revenge. do your work. i'm sorry, brahma. i thought you were a criminaland came to kill you. an ordinary driver toldme the truth about you. i regret that i recognizedyou so late. you feed the poor.you live for others.

hats off to you, because. brahma, forgive me for the past. i won't tread on my husband'spath but on yours. sir. the girl who came to killyou changed suddenly. you're really great. after all you've to say somethingfor the people. yes, sir. please. may your family livehappily for ever. this..

..this protects our familyand our next generations. even alexander who ruled theworld turned to dust one day. so did napoleon and hitler. it will happen withyou also tomorrow. i too will return to dust. do good deeds.the result will be good. brahma. brahma!

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